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Recent content by JediSoth

  1. JediSoth

    D&D General When did you leave D&D? Why? For what game? And what brought you back?

    The first time, I left D&D during the shift from 3.X to 4th edition. I stayed with Pathfinder for one campaign before realizing that I really WAS burned out on the 3.X/PF style of crunch. I gamed sporadically between the release of Pathfinder 1e and the release of D&D 5e. There were a lot of...
  2. JediSoth

    How Do You Feel About Published Adventures as a GM?

    I could also rant about how the set up in one of them (cough*Tomb of Annihilation*cough) is explicitly set up with an actual time limit, i.e. Do The Thing or Everyone* DIES OR WORSE, yet the adventure is written like a sandbox. Well, my group, and they can't have been the only group, took that...
  3. JediSoth

    How Do You Feel About Published Adventures as a GM?

    Generally, I think they're fine. Conceptually, I think they're fine. I used them all the time growing up with D&D (B/X and BECMI) and AD&D 1e and 2e. Even the 3rd edition stuff was OK. My main problem with published adventures these days, is that many of them (particularly the ones from WotC...
  4. JediSoth

    Geek Confessional Thread 2024

    I found Dune to be a ponderous slog to read and have seen two adaptations of it (David Lynch's and the SyFy Channel one) and neither blew me away. I'm not sorry I saw them, I just don't think it's the greatest thing ever. Likewise, as much affection as I hold for Lord of the Rings, I'd rather...
  5. JediSoth

    Modiphius Fallout Opinions?

    The book is a good read with good art, but honestly, I don't know that there's lore information in there you can't just get from the Wiki.
  6. JediSoth

    Modiphius Fallout Opinions?

    I just finished a cursed* campaign and have mixed feelings. The game flowed reasonably well, but the setting information was a bit limiting since it's very obviously focused on Fallout 4/The Commonwealth, and since that's not where I wanted my campaign to be, that created extra work for me...
  7. JediSoth

    D&D General No More Baldur's Gate From Larion: Team Is 'Elated'

    DLC quality can range from "Blood & Wine" (The Witcher 3) to "Dead Money" (Fallout: New Vegas). At least we know we won't be getting another "Dead Money." I'm confident they'll make a better game if their hearts are actually in it. I think it's perfectly fine for a game to be called "Finished."
  8. JediSoth

    Media Mass Effect RPG Actual Play Podcast

    Coming in April... a Mass Effect Expanded Universe Actual Play podcast: I Should Roll. A bunch of us voice actors got together and decided to do something to celebrate our love of the Mass Effect universe. One podcast, two RPG campaigns, set in 2184, between ME1 and ME2 after the Collector...
  9. JediSoth

    TSR The Full & Glorious History of NuTSR

    One of a kind, eh? Does that 5 Million include a live exhibit of LaNasa and Deinhart wrestling in a tub of grits? Two shows daily, 11 AM and 2PM!
  10. JediSoth

    D&D (2024) Do you plan to adopt D&D5.5One2024Redux?

    No. My group abandoned WotC after the OGL debacle last year. We converted our D&D game to Pathfinder 2e and if that works out for us, we'll stick with that for now on. If it proves to be too crunchy, then we'll try something else for our fantasy gaming, perhaps Savage Worlds or Old School...
  11. JediSoth

    TSR The Full & Glorious History of NuTSR

    It's understandable he'd go through so many logos. They're all unorginally derivative. Most people work through them BEFORE launching and announcing their logo, though.
  12. JediSoth

    D&D General Joe Manganiello: Compares Early 5E to BG 3 . How Important is Lore?

    I pay very little attention to lore. I'll update elements I like, and throw out what I don't like. Trying to keep up with FR lore burned me out and it didn't make my games any better, so I pick a point I like and go from there. If I buy any new books that update the lore, chances are I'm mostly...
  13. JediSoth

    D&D 5E When did you last buy a WotC D&D5e product? (not a third party or DM Guild)

    I purchased my last WotC product prior to the OGL debacle. I still had a D&D Beyond subscription at the beginning of the year, but I canceled it before they caved to community pressure. I'm not sure what it was... maybe the Spelljammer set? I don't plan to purchase any more WotC products, nor...
  14. JediSoth

    Paizo Paizo's fiction direction

    Nuts. There wasn't an option for "Hire me to write a Pathfinder/Starfinder novel." :p
  15. JediSoth

    Shadowrun: What's the likelihood of a complete system overhaul?

    What if Catalyst kept their version for all the die-hard fans who like the complexity and licensed out a simpler version to Pinnacle for a Savage Worlds port?