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Recent content by GlassJaw

  1. GlassJaw

    D&D General How Do You Fix a Campaign? (Rime of the Frostmaiden spoilers)

    Was just about to post The Alexandrian link (the best RPG blog IMO). I haven't run Frostmaiden but I've read quite a bit of it and have read some different guides for it. Biggest takeaway is that it's a really cool (no pun intended) setting and campaign backdrop but the adventure itself is a...
  2. GlassJaw

    D&D 5E And Here Is Strixhaven's Cover Art!

    That owl!!! Hsiao playable race?!?! I can dream right?!?!
  3. GlassJaw

    D&D 5E Best out of combat class features?

    Artificer Infuse Item > Replicate Magic Item is pretty sweet to make an item the party might need in a pinch. Lots of utility items on the list, like an alchemy jug, lantern of revealing, sending stones, etc.
  4. GlassJaw

    D&D 5E Monster Entries, what stuff do you want?

    Beyond the obvious stats, I always want rumors, adventure hooks/ideas, what lore the PCs can learn (with skill check DCs), and variations ranging from simple changes (like a new ability, swapping one ability for another, alternate spells, etc.) to some variant stat blocks.
  5. GlassJaw

    D&D General The goal of your Ravenloft campaign

    They don't know my players. I do. Have you actually read any horror? Horror 101 is explicitly making the audience or reader uncomfortable. That's what horror is. My players trust me. They've told me so, multiple times on many occasions. WotC currently has an audience of unprecedented numbers...
  6. GlassJaw

    D&D General The goal of your Ravenloft campaign

    Good thing I know my players. They can handle it. And I'd argue it's the absolute BEST thing you can do for horror; horror is fear of the unknown. Heck, the entire concept of The Mists is that it takes those who are unwitting about what is happening to them. That said, I fully concede it's not...
  7. GlassJaw

    D&D General The goal of your Ravenloft campaign

    The "goal" of my Ravenloft campaign is to plunge the players into the unknown (I didn't tell them beforehand) and then slowly reveal a) where they are, and b) what is happening. It's a massive psychological puzzle. While Ravenloft is a prison created by the dark powers, I also run it like a...
  8. GlassJaw

    D&D 5E Survivor 5E - Subclasses - School of Divination knew it would win!

    This whole poll is lame. Battlesmith fixed all the complaints about pet mechanics, Path of the Totem Warrior is one of the best barbarian subclasses, EK in the double digits? It's bizarro world.
  9. GlassJaw

    D&D General What are your favorite DM Advice Media?

    100% on the Angry GM. I'm a technical writer/editor professionally and I would make him rewrite his articles and reduce his word count by 50%. Plus the shtick is a bit stale.
  10. GlassJaw

    D&D General What are your favorite DM Advice Media?

    Hmm, necro but a good one. Surprised to see only one mention of The Alexandrian. To me, it's by FAR the best, and if I could only pick one, it would be this hands down. https://thealexandrian.net/ Absolutely amazing stuff. So much of my approach to running a game is from his blog. He started a...
  11. GlassJaw

    D&D 5E Monte Cook's Ptolus Kickstarter Has Launched

    Got mine over the weekend but unfortunately the front cover is damaged - dent on the bottom edge. Emailed customer service, hoping to hear back. Packaging was quite minimal considering the cost and weight of the book. It's disappointing.
  12. GlassJaw

    D&D 5E Survivor 5E - Subclasses - School of Divination knew it would win!

    Battle Smith got voted out?! Abjuration getting down votes?! Is this a bizarro poll?! I'm done with this one.
  13. GlassJaw

    D&D 5E Can you share your experience with a featless/multiclassless game?

    While I am 100% for "GM empowerment," my post was to emphasize how poorly designed the feat system is, top-to-bottom. Feats run the range from "must-have/possibly OP" to "ehh, just make a skill check."
  14. GlassJaw

    D&D 5E Survivor 5E - Subclasses - School of Divination knew it would win!

    Alchemist 6 Arcana Domain 5 Arcane Archer 5-2 = 3 Arcane Trickster 3+1 = 4 Armorer 3 Assassin 6 Battle Master 9 Battle Smith 7 Bladesinging 6 Cavalier 5 Champion 3 Chronurgy Magic 6 Circle of Dreams 5 Circle of Stars 4 Circle of the Land 5 Circle of the Moon 6 Circle of the Shepherd 5 Circle of...
  15. GlassJaw

    D&D 5E Can you share your experience with a featless/multiclassless game?

    That's all well and good, and I'm glad to hear it. But it certainly doesn't mean the system doesn't need improvements and that those feats are way out of balance. Sample size and all that.