• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Fauchard1520

  1. F

    D&D 5E What are your favorite optional rules?

    What optional rules do you guys play with? Which ones do you hate? And on a highly personal note, do you allow for saves vs. death by massive damage? (Comic related.)
  2. F

    Pathfinder 1E Unintimidating Muscle-Bound Hulks

    Do you guys allow "the big guys" in the party to substitute Strength for Charisma on Intimidation checks? Or do you insist that they pay the feat tax for "intimidating prowess?" What's the rationale either way? (Comic for illustrative purposes.)
  3. F

    D&D 5E Constructive Criticism

    The difference between "You don't know how to balance encounters" and "I haven't felt challenged by most combats" is an interesting space to explore. The style is almost self-effacing, framing your experience as difficult rather than judging the GM as lacking. Good stuff. :)
  4. F

    D&D 5E Constructive Criticism

    My DM asks for constructive criticism. They insist on honest feedback. They get offended when I tell them all the reasons why they suck. Assuming the above is only slightly hyperbolic, how do you thread the needle when giving feedback to you GM? What does "healthy constructive criticism"...
  5. F

    How did you convince your group to try something different?

    What's the resolution mechanic like? Are there a couple of good selling points, or a primer video I should be watching?
  6. F

    D&D 5E Why does mounted combat feel underwhelming in 5e?

    Best use I've seen in ANY edition was a riding gecko gnome cavalier in Pathfinder. The ability to go up dungeon walls kept the mount relevant and interesting for a long, long time.
  7. F

    How did you convince your group to try something different?

    I know plenty of players who devour systems like candy. But for psychographic profiles that glom onto Big-Tent Systems, the effort isn’t worth the reward. They’d rather play the game they know and love than risk their precious leisure time learning a new system. The trouble comes up when these...
  8. F

    D&D 5E Why does mounted combat feel underwhelming in 5e?

    When it comes to the cavaliers, mounted paladins, and equestrian fighters of 3.X, it’s all about that sweet, sweet charge. Anyone that’s ever done the simple math of lance + spirited charge = Eomer face knows just how amazing it can feel. The business end of a lance is the tactical nuke of the...
  9. F

    D&D 5E Battlefield Control is For Everyone!

    We usually think of magical AoEs and wall spells as battlefield control. But my philosophy is that, even if it isn’t your class's job, there's no reason to ignore battlefield control I’m talking about turning tables over for makeshift barricades. I’m talking about spiking doors so that...
  10. F

    Pathfinder 1E The Barbarian in the Intrigue Campaign

    It's funny... I'm actually working on a mini-dungeon at the moment meant to solve this problem. The reward amounts to a respec. I would think that finding a way to preserve a character while rejiggering powers would be a more popular solution.
  11. F

    Pathfinder 1E The Barbarian in the Intrigue Campaign

    The titular barbarian is an archetype of a larger problem: Have you ever brought a really cool character to the game, only to find out that it was a terrible fit for the campaign? What's the solution you opted for? Did you retire 'em and roll up a new guy? Did you adapt somehow? Or did you...
  12. F

    D&D 5E The Hardest Encounters

    Not familiar. What were the fiddliest of the rules?
  13. F

    D&D 5E The Hardest Encounters

    As you work your way through GMing a campaign, you add more and more complexity to your encounter design. Venomous critters appear. The orc shaman starts casting spells. Lair actions crop up when you finally meet that baby dragon at the end of the baby dungeon. It’s all cumulative, and it’s all...
  14. F

    Pathfinder 1E Dragon Fight

    Like I said up top, I've got a few months before I actually need to implement this stuff. I'll need every scrap of that time to wrap my head around what took you a morning. Thanks again for taking the time. Me and my maxi-mini appreciate it.