Recent content by Emberashh

  1. E

    "The term 'GNS' is moronic and annoying" – well this should be an interesting interview

    It is uncharitable, because you have no reason to assume that, and even less to not inquire about what I mean if you don't understand me. Skipping over all that dialogue and actual communication that could have happened is what makes it uncharitable. And as I noted, there are no cursed...
  2. E

    "The term 'GNS' is moronic and annoying" – well this should be an interesting interview

    I've watch GDC everytime they drop a new video. I've seen this one multiple times. My assessment isn't based on reading the cover and its incredibly uncharitable to immediately assume I didn't even watch it. Exactly.
  3. E

    "The term 'GNS' is moronic and annoying" – well this should be an interesting interview

    There are no cursed problems, just unimaginative (and often stubborn) design. This is a better talk to take to.
  4. E

    "The term 'GNS' is moronic and annoying" – well this should be an interesting interview

    I was referring to the book being dismissed.
  5. E

    "The term 'GNS' is moronic and annoying" – well this should be an interesting interview

    Whether or not games are valuable to society was never the question. Like, at all. That has nothing to do with what is or isn't art.
  6. E

    "The term 'GNS' is moronic and annoying" – well this should be an interesting interview

    I'd just call that childish. There's better ways to communicate disagreement than trying to position something as lesser than it is.
  7. E

    How happy are you with your regular ruleset?

    When we aren't testing Labyrinthian, we usually swap between DCC and Call of Cthulu, with one shots or two shots here and there if we want to try something new. I wouldn't say there's any real "unsatisfaction" with either one, even if partially despite the new game thats being worked on...
  8. E

    "The term 'GNS' is moronic and annoying" – well this should be an interesting interview

    Yeah going back to the MCU reference, Civil War was chock full of cheap seat playing. But it can't really be denied that the individual performances and scriptwriting weren't superb beyond that. Chadwick Boseman was a class act, and the entire sequence with Plus its also a good thing to...
  9. E

    "The term 'GNS' is moronic and annoying" – well this should be an interesting interview

    Especially given thats what Shakespeare basically was in his time. Incidentally the reason I think I appreciate ol' Willie more as a poet than I do as a playwright. Culture might have shifted and now we think of those plays as stuffy pretentious affairs but really Willie was playing to the...
  10. E

    "The term 'GNS' is moronic and annoying" – well this should be an interesting interview

    Thats because unlike more classical art forms, we don't have centuries of extensive and exhaustive study behind it. Game design as a serious avenue of study is may be less than 50 years old, if that. And besides that, unlike say Music or Cooking, where there is a performative element inherent...
  11. E

    "The term 'GNS' is moronic and annoying" – well this should be an interesting interview

    I suggest you read "Theory of Fun" by Raph Koster. It explains in detail why games are a form of art. It would be kind of silly in a very pedantic way to agree that games themselves are a form of art but to then say the process to create them isn't.
  12. E

    "The term 'GNS' is moronic and annoying" – well this should be an interesting interview

    The whole thing is that there isn't that big of a distinction between design and art. Design is art.