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Recent content by Elocin

  1. Elocin

    Gary Gygax has passed. RIP beloved father of RPG's. (merged)

    You will be greatly missed Gary. And to those in your family my condolences. -Rob-
  2. Elocin

    Hanable's Hunters, Part I & II

    Hobbes - Shifter Ranger/Barbarian Silently watching the debate on what to do, Hobbes finally speaks up. "There is another option but it might be a tad risky, well risky to me anyway. I could sneak up with the spheres in hand and using stealth and invisibility I could grapple with the ogre as...
  3. Elocin

    Hanable's Hunters, Part I & II

    Hobbes - Shifter Ranger/Barbarian Moving to a nearby tree that will afford him a better view of the hill and his creeping companion putting an arrow to the string Hobbes prepares to shoot the first thing that threatons anyone.
  4. Elocin

    Hanable's Hunters, Part I & II

    Growling ever so slightly Hobbes will stay behind for now. Pulling out his bow he prepares to help anyone that might need it at a moments notice. Hobbes will also look behind the party every now and then to make sure nothing sneaks up behidn us.
  5. Elocin

    Hanable's Hunters, Part I & II

    Hobbes - Shifter Ranger/Barbarian Once rescued from the pit Hobbes stands silently while being attened to by Selene. Once she is done he moves to the front of the group again and waits for everyone to signal they are ready then moves forward. He does not say anything at all during all of this...
  6. Elocin

    Hanable's Hunters, Part I & II

    Hobbes - Shifter Ranger/Barbarian (ooc: At this point Hobbes would need to make a will save to see if he goes into a rage or not from the humiliation and damage from the fall. I forget what the save would be but it is listed under the rage ability. Depending on the outcome would be his...
  7. Elocin

    Hanable's Hunters, Part I & II

    Hobbes - Shifter Ranger/Barbarian Going to Whitlock's aid with a grin on his face Hobbes mentions to the party that there might be some traps in the area. "As mentioned before we are definitely on the right path. Now all we need do is find that secret entrance. Selene would talking to an...
  8. Elocin

    Hanable's Hunters, Part I & II

    Hobbes - Shifter Ranger/Barbarian "This does not bode well." As Hobbes fans out from the rest of the group scanning the surrounding forest expecting an attack at any moment. "As much as I want a fight things do not seem to be on our terms and the element of surprise we were looking for is...
  9. Elocin

    Age of Worms (Act I All Quiet on the Western Front)

    Completly understandbale and take all the time you need. As a DM on these boards as well I cna relate to having RL issues crop up and delay my online games. I am not going anywhere.
  10. Elocin

    Hanable's Hunters, Part I & II

    Hobbes - Ranger/Barbarian There is something that I am missing and I am not sure what it is. All I really want to do is go and track down these ogres and kill them. I do not like how they track down the weak and ambush them from hiding. The tactics they are using somewhat reminds me of those...
  11. Elocin

    Clogged Combats

    What my group does to help speed things up is at the beginning of combat the DM will tell the "Players" the AC's of the bad guys. Then everyone starts figuring out what they are going to do and we continue to play through combat in initiative order (rolling of course). some of my group are...
  12. Elocin

    Hanable's Hunters, Part I & II

    Hobbes - Ranger/Barbarian Calling out and bringing the rest of the group closer, "We have a problem. The ogres know we are after them. See these tracks here that appear out of thin air and walk with the group for a few feet then just vanish. Then the rest of the tracks break their attempt...
  13. Elocin

    Hanable's Hunters, Part I & II

    Hobbes - Ranger/Barbarian A grin spreading across his face, "I agree lets run them ito the ground like the devils they are."
  14. Elocin

    Hanable's Hunters, Part I & II

    Hobbes - Ranger/Barbarian Moving across the camp to where the tracks enter the forest again Hobbes will attempt to guard the rest of the party as they search about the camp for any further clues. Smelling blood in the air Hobbes looks forward to battling the enemy and bathing in their blood...
  15. Elocin

    The Retrievers - Chapter 2

    Chapter 4 - The Bridge As the party marches across the bridge expecting everything and anything to suddendly erpt around them they begin to relax somewhat as they get to the center of it. Mindal takes a peek over the side and his head swoons a bit as he is looking down a deep, deep chasm...