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Recent content by DreadPirateMurphy

  1. D

    Warlord's Tomb 2020-08-28

    I was prepping D&D 3.0 module The Standing Stone to run for my son, and I was...disappointed in certain aspects of it. Apart from updating it to 3.5, I redesigned some major portions of it. One thing I did was completely revise the Warlord Saithnar's barrow. In the module, it's depicted as a...
  2. D

    D&D 3E/3.5 Looking for ideas for The Standing Stone [spoilers]

    I'm almost done running my son through the Speaker in Dreams...which I posted about in another thread. Now I'm looking at The Standing Stone, and...ooh, boy. We've got a new monster and a new template, the hobyah and the gravewight. I mean...is there really a shortage of evil outsiders and...
  3. D

    D&D 3.x Index of Everything

    DreadPirateMurphy submitted a new resource: D&D 3.x Index of Everything - Excel Spreadsheet containing book references for almost everything in 3.x Read more about this resource...
  4. D

    D&D 3.x Index of Everything 2020-08-06

    I put this together quite some time ago, and I still use it for reference. Hopefully, somebody else would find it useful...
  5. D

    D&D 3E/3.5 The Original D&D 3.0 Adventures and Being a New DM

    Meepo is my fall-back if one of the characters in the party dies, I think. Let him show up after having decided to become an adventurer (who just happens to fill a gap left in the party from the death).
  6. D

    D&D 3E/3.5 The Original D&D 3.0 Adventures and Being a New DM

    Oh, I like that a lot better. That's going to be the house rule for incorporeal, I think. For the miss chance for concealment, I may have him role a d10 alongside the d20. The % dice roles are a little awkward -- flashbacks to AD&D rogue skills. A 1-2 or a 1-5 are an auto-miss, and it resolves...
  7. D

    D&D 3E/3.5 The Original D&D 3.0 Adventures and Being a New DM

    As I've posted elsewhere, I've been running my 10-year-old son through the series that began with The Sunless Citadel. We then went through The Forge of Fury, and we're on the Speaker in Dreams right now. I felt the urge to share my impressions of these modules based on being a new DM and having...
  8. D

    D&D 3E/3.5 Third times the charm with D&D and my son...

    A couple of years ago, I posted about trying to introduce my then-8-year-old son to D&D. I made some bad DM choices, and he didn't really get into it. Well, his dad has plenty of time now thanks to the pandemic (furlough for me, home-schooling and no summer camp for him). Time to try again with...
  9. D

    Not the best module to introduce D&D...

    I have an 8-year-old who wants to get into RPG's, specifically D&D. I had a bunch of PDF's of the old Basic D&D red box and some modules and such that I got off of DriveThruRPG years ago. I wanted something a little less detailed than Pathfinder, which is my personal favorite. Now...it has...
  10. D

    Who's pumped for Pacific Rim?

    Umbran, at least they only made one of the heroes an American. Contrast that with Independence Day or U-571. I also give them bonus points for the one female lead being Rinko Kikuchi...but that's just a personal preference. :)
  11. D

    Who's pumped for Pacific Rim?

    Crothian, agreed...although a few of them were mentioned in "blink and you miss it" dialog. I still think the holes are a little easier to rationalize than those of your typical Michael Bay film.
  12. D

    Who's pumped for Pacific Rim?

    As I understood it... Once they engaged with the kaiju, they lost any tactical advantage and might as well have tried to save the boat. The idea behind that was pretty vague, but there was some dialog about using the sparring to see how similar the thought processes were of the candidates --...
  13. D

    Star Wars Halloween Special

    Zombie kids. Always creepy, and especially horrifying if anybody is a parent. Just let them find the day care center. Whatever your "zombies" are, set it up so that they can be mistaken for non-zombies from a distance, or from behind. It ratchets up the tension if you can never be sure if...
  14. D

    This is just neat...

    Stumbled on this today: Main - The SCP Foundation It's like reading through the files of Warehouse 13, or maybe 23.
  15. D

    Oots 0715

    Did anybody else notice that the Empress of Blood lives at 1 Hemorrhage Rd. in Bleedingham? :) Also, the bounty is old -- it describes the Linear Guild prior to the destruction of the first gate, since Yik-yik is part of the party. That's got to be at least a couple of years ago, since the...