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Recent content by DonoZen

  1. DonoZen

    RPG Crowdfunding News – Monty Python, Paranoia, M&M and More

    Yes, in their weekly M&M Youtube vids they've said that Green Ronin only has some money for the newest products to support.
  2. DonoZen

    Games Where Player Characters are the Bad Guys

    I know a few people mentioned Warhammer in general, but the core setting of Warhammer Black Crusade rpg you specifically play agents of chaos, twisted by the warp. In most of the other WH 40k settings you are usually of the imperium living a hard life, being more like anti-heroes not actual...
  3. DonoZen

    RPG Crowdfunding News – The Weird, Wastes of Chaos, Coyote & Crow, and more

    Thanks for the awesome list. (y) Just so we know, The Weird book is “System Neutral” and not Numenera as listed. The Glimmering Valley book is Numenera and you can get them separately or together.
  4. DonoZen

    Kickstarter (5E) Amethyst - Magic & Technology Collide (Funded!)

    Chris Dias has gone crazy! With 3 days still left he has unlocked the next 5 stretch goals. That’s over $20k worth of awesomeness. Crazy man!
  5. DonoZen

    Stormlight RPG Coming from Brandon Sanderson's Novels

    They talked about wanting to look at the systems out there, including 5e, or possibly making their own, and are going to be asking their fanbase what we want. Brandon said he has some very specific things he want's to see in the game system and is not sure yet, if any others might fulfill his...
  6. DonoZen

    Stormlight RPG Coming from Brandon Sanderson's Novels

    They were asked that specifically and they said there is no connection at all.
  7. DonoZen

    RPG Crowdfunding News – HEROES OF CERULEA, Deadlands, Starlight Arcana, and more

    Got the “Gonzo” all in pledge. Looks weirdly awesome.
  8. DonoZen

    D&D General Michael Moorcock live twitch interview Oct 8th by Goodman Games Sanctum Secorum!

    Also, there is an Elric Board Game right now on Kickstarter with 9 days left. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ledepartement/elric-rise-of-the-young-kingdoms-0
  9. DonoZen

    D&D General Michael Moorcock live twitch interview Oct 8th by Goodman Games Sanctum Secorum!

    Over the decades, he has been very open to tv or movie projects being made of any of his stuff. It's just always fallen through time and again. I've read many times of some producer or studio buying the rights to his different works, and then not being made. He's recently given up on Elric...
  10. DonoZen

    RPG Freebies, Bundles, and Sales News (September 18, 2022)

    Just so you know, the "Classic Spelljammer Ships" link is still wrong up the page. It goes to a Warlock Patron. Also, thanks for providing all of us the info you put together every week. I always look forward to it and am grateful for your efforts. That M&M bundle has a number of books never...
  11. DonoZen

    Kickstarter (5E) Amethyst - Magic & Technology Collide (Funded!)

    Looking forward to the RPG hardcover 3 pack.
  12. DonoZen

    On listening to audiobooks

    You should check out Graphic Audio. Full cast, sound effects, and music. Their tagline “A movie in your mind” and it's pretty close.
  13. DonoZen

    OD&D [Korean D&D] Any Korean speakers here? Questions about TSR-licensed Legend of Crystania and other Korean D&D products

    Just a future note. When I opened the links you provided in my chrome browser it asks if I want the pages auto translated. No copy, paste needed. Everything translated except the images obviously. If it doesn't automatically ask you, there is the translate page option right under the “three...
  14. DonoZen

    Here's Who Won ENnies This Year!

    Congrats to Sly Flourish with 2 Ennies. Mike Shea well deserves these awards.