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Recent content by Don Incognito

  1. Don Incognito

    D&D 4E Do you really want Greyhawk and Dragonlance for 4e

    Honestly? Not really. Krynn and Oerth are more or less generic high fantasy settings, and as much as people are attached to them, generic high fantasy settings are a dime a dozen and don't really interest me that much unless they have an interesting hook to distinguish themselves (and no, "there...
  2. Don Incognito

    More bladesinger questions

    More importantly, it also works for Eldritch Strike, although even then it's just about as attractive as paragon tier Weapon Focus (read: not very).
  3. Don Incognito

    More bladesinger questions

    Note that the bonus is to damage ROLLS to ARCANE powers. Bladesinging riders don't involve dice rolls, so they don't get the damage. MBA isn't Arcane, so that doesn't get the damage either.
  4. Don Incognito

    Bladesinger Preview!

    A few things. 1. As written, this is a terrible controller. It lacks an at-will AoE, and while "hit dude A and dude B gets a debuff" is neat, it lacks the sheer power of what ever other non-Binder controller can do with their at-will powers. Moreover, Bladesong, their level 1 encounter power...
  5. Don Incognito

    L4W Discussion Thread V

    Good news! I have an adventure in the works. Bad news! My laptop is dead, and I'm currently posting from a library, so I will not be able to get started on 90% of the work involved with said adventure until I am able to procure a laptop (probably sometime next week-ish)
  6. Don Incognito

    L4W Tavern Patrons

    I dunno, I think flying would be pretty cool. Ooo! Or time travel! ...wait, what were we talking about again?
  7. Don Incognito

    Even Newer(er) Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man

    The door to the tavern opens, and a...thing enters the bar. It's wearing tan (or perhaps faded gold) hide armor, and it's size and shape would lead one to believe that it is a male dwarf. Its (his?) skin is an ashen gray, which would lead an onlooker to believe that he's duergar were it not for...
  8. Don Incognito

    L4W Discussion Thread V

    Hm. Well, I'm striker/defender, so I might take you up on that. Also, I did some editing to the wiki. Before I left, I was planning on adding an NPC to Bacarte: as a wretched hive of scum and villainy piracy supposedly on the up and up, I figured they were distinctly lacking in the voodoo queen...
  9. Don Incognito

    L4W Discussion Thread V

    Dirge is ready for approval. Once he gets the go-ahead, that's +1 zombie dwarven psycic ninja in the Isles. Now we just need to find a way to make him a cyborg pirate for maximum hilarity. Also, now comes the long and arduous process of waiting for a game. Ho hum.
  10. Don Incognito

    L4W Discussion Thread V

    Okay, thanks for the patience. I'm working on the sheet now, and am cannibalizing my first ever character, Dirge, for something new. I mean, Dwarf Warlock / Ranger? What was I thinking? That's just too unwieldy and bizarre to be workable. Instead I'm going Revenant (Dwarf) Hybrid Battlemind /...
  11. Don Incognito

    L4W Discussion Thread V

    I understand how to make an L4W character, I'm just having a little trouble manipulating the wiki. The sticky says that "on the left side there's a list of things to click on, look for 'Create a new article'", but I'm looking at the link, and I'm just not seeing anything like that there on the...
  12. Don Incognito

    L4W Discussion Thread V

    Maybe it's just that I'm retarded, or maybe it's that the character creation guide is out of date (the wiki is in a different format than it was last time I was here), but I'm having a degree of difficulty figuring out how to create a new character. I've decided that my old fighter, Lorik, is...
  13. Don Incognito

    5E on the horizon?

    Of course it's on the horizon. It's always been on the horizon. Hell, 6e is on the horizon. Do I think it's on the horizon soon? Probably not. People are all up in arms about what Slavicsek's departure means, but editions are something that take a long time to develop (at least a year)...
  14. Don Incognito

    L4W Discussion Thread V

    I was about to get started on a new character (Aurel is a good name for an eladrin, right?), then I remembered that I have a DM credit. From two years ago. Rockin'.
  15. Don Incognito

    L4W Discussion Thread V

    Okay, wow, it's been two years since I've been here. Last time around, my laptop died around the same time I had to move, and this just kind of got lost in the shuffle. I'd like to get back into it again, but can someone remind me of the policy regarding Dragon Magazine 'round these parts? I've...