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Recent content by Cryptwright

  1. Cryptwright

    DMs Guild [Chris Valentine] The Rookery: Love Live the Goblins has been released! (5th module in the Rookery)

    The Rookery, Domain of Delight This Feywild demiplane was once a flourishing nature preserve meant to help rehabilitate endangered and threatened creatures. The book containing it was lost and then rediscovered centuries later. These modules take adventurers through the plane to learn what...
  2. Cryptwright

    DMs Guild [Chris Valentine] The Rookery: City of the Dead has been released! (4th release in the Rookery)

    The Rookery, Domain of Delight This Feywild demiplane was once a flourishing nature preserve meant to help rehabilitate endangered and threatened creatures. The book containing it was lost and rediscovered centuries later. These modules take adventurers through the plane to learn what...
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  4. Cryptwright

    DMs Guild [Chris Valentine] The Rookery: Rise of the Everplume has been released! (3rd release in the Rookery)

    The Rookery, Domain of Delight This Feywild demiplane was once a flourishing nature preserve meant to help rehabilitate endangered and threatened creatures. The book containing it was lost and rediscovered centuries later. These modules take adventurers through the plane to learn what transpired...
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  6. Cryptwright

    DMs Guild [Chris Valentine] The Rookery, Domain of Delight - Modules 1 and 2

    The Rookery, Domain of Delight The first two modules in the Rookery series have been released. This Feywild demiplane was once a nature preserve meant to help rehabilitate endangered and threatened creatures. The book containing it was lost and has been rediscovered centuries later. These...
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  9. Cryptwright

    DMs Guild [Chris Valentine] Blistering Sun: Desert Encounters

    Blistering Sun: Desert Encounters Blistering Sun: Desert Encounters - Dungeon Masters Guild | Dungeon Masters Guild Desert Encounters tables for arid and barren wastelands. Compliment your campaign with a variety of random desert encounters. This supplement provides hundreds of encounter...
  10. Cryptwright

    DMs Guild [Chris Valentine] Spellburst - Revised Magic Surge Mechanics

    Spellburst Spellburst - Magic Surge Mechanics - Dungeon Masters Guild | Dungeon Masters Guild Revised mechanics for magic surges. These new rules help add chaos to your game and give more opportunity to trigger unleashed magic for benefit or detriment. There are items that trigger surges...
  11. Cryptwright

    DMs Guild [Chris Valentine] Procan's Promenade - A Saltmarsh Halloween [DnD 5e]

    Procan's Promenade Procan's Promenade - Dungeon Masters Guild | Dungeon Masters Guild A celebration for the dead is suddenly halted as mysterious man is murdered in plain view. This adventure makes for a great Halloween or masquerade session. The characters are enjoying a festival in Saltmarsh...
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  14. Cryptwright

    Release [Chris Valentine] Wickerjack, Halloween adventure/campaign for FoundryVTT [DnD 5e]

    WICKERJACK, a gothic horror inspired Halloween adventure is ready for FoundryVTT! Contains over 20 scenes and many new NPCs and creatures. Includes everything you need to run the adventure. Visit the quaint little town of Cherrywood, as you uncover its secrets. This Tier 1 adventure lets you...
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