• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by CrimsonCarcharodon

  1. C

    So You Are in a TIE Fighter?

    Not being familiar with either game, I'll go off what I'd generally prefer according to what I remember of the Rogue Squadron novels. So none of the above. I'd go with improved engines. That's the Interceptor's schtick: sheer speed. It's a zoomy little beast. Smaller wings, so harder to see, and...
  2. C

    How Many RPG Books Do You Own?

    I have 59 physical books, plus one additional (a misprinted copy of Xanathar's Guide to Everything for D&D 5E, which WotC replaced for me). That doesn't count magazines, single adventures, or PDFs. I'm a bit apprehensive to catalogue all my PDFs. It's a lot.
  3. C

    Artificer UA to be released in February

    Sitting on its thumbs crunchwise? So, Xanathar's Guide doesn't count? The piles of monsters in Volo's and Mordenkainen's don't count? New spells, races, and class options in Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica don't count? WotC has put out plenty of mechanical content. It's not a One True Way. WotC...
  4. C

    Artificer UA to be released in February

    Whining that WotC hasn't put out a single class in "five long years" sounds an awful lot like entitlement. It's not like WotC isn't supporting this edition. There are new subclasses, plenty of books, UA, and the DM's Guild. There are dozens of new classes on DM's Guild and elsewhere on the...
  5. C

    Artificer UA to be released in February

    So what? We're not entitled to new classes. They've put out UA versions of the artificer and mystic, and there are dozens of third-party publishers putting out new classes online. Who cares that WotC hasn't thrown a glut of classes at us again?
  6. C

    Artificer UA to be released in February

    There's been a state of emergency in Seattle and surrounding areas. I know certain areas have gotten upwards of a foot of snow in a period of only a few days. Snow's not that common in Washington, so it's kind of understandable. There are a bunch of places that closed early or closed entirely...
  7. C

    What Game Did You Leave D&D For?

    Lately, the big game that's been pulling my attention from D&D 5E is Fate Core. I have so many different games of Fate I want to either run or play. Sadly, I'm at my limit for GMing, especially play-by-post, and some of the settings I want to play are rather odd, so it's hard to find a GM.
  8. C

    The Pitfalls of D&D Beyond Data

    There's also a massive chunk of data missing, in that plenty of players don't use D&D Beyond. Example: I've made probably 20+ 5E characters, for one-shots, helping out friends make characters, and my own characters. I've only ever used an online character sheet two or three times, and that was...
  9. C

    Cantrip House Rule

    I probably should have left that last sentence at the very end of the post. When I play spellcasters, I lean very heavily on cantrips for combat, so this rule would make a caster much less fun for me to play. I didn't mean to imply that it would totally kill the idea of a utility spellcaster...
  10. C

    As a GM, how do you manage your time?

    It's hard to quantify because a lot of my gaming is play-by-post. For my IRL games, I try to do about an hour's worth of prep (maybe more if I feel like doing a cool map) for each session's worth of gaming. A lot of that is helped because I don't tend to flesh out my ideas a whole hell of a lot...
  11. C

    Cantrip House Rule

    I never said that it kills the whole concept. I said it makes them less utility-oriented because now some of their spells known are going to combat spells rather than utility. I'm pointing out a consequence of your rules change, which seems like the whole point of the thread.
  12. C

    Star Wars Plot?

    Dropping prototype ships in the hands of the PCs sounds like a fun idea for me. It gets the ship some real field testing, and it's one sign of how elite the PCs are. I wouldn't make Defenders the first mission objective, but halfway through a campaign? Sure, why not. And having them be...
  13. C

    Star Wars Plot?

    Imperial Wraith Squadron would pretty much be my game premise, really. TIE Defenders are my favorite ships of the TIE line, by far. There's also the TIE Advanced/v1, the Inquisitor's TIE from Rebels. Hyperdrive and shields on top of looking cool. Maybe a Gladiator-class? That holds two...
  14. C

    Star Wars Plot?

    I wasn't suggesting using X-wings as a primary ship. But as a ploy to act as an aggressive, bad guy squadron of "New Republic fighters" for one mission, it could be a nice change of pace. Or as an infiltration mission to get on a New Republic cruiser and sabotage it from the inside. Honestly...
  15. C

    Cantrip House Rule

    There's the problem of utility casters not being able to take as many utility spells because now they have to take combat-applicable spells rather than using their combat cantrips. So yes, they have more slots, but they either take all the utility spells they want and not contribute much to...