• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Breakstone

  1. Breakstone

    Santa Cruz, CA - looking for a group

    Hey there folks! I'm looking for a group to play with or be the DM of in Santa Cruz, CA. I need a place to play, too. Anyone looking for another player or a DM?
  2. Breakstone

    Elves don't Dream

    In one campaign I ran, elves didn't dream. However, the rare elf trained himself to dream, and gained all sorts of neat powers and insight. The problem was that the elf then aged as fast as a human- it was a sort of "curse of dreaming."
  3. Breakstone

    Tickling In Combat

    Alright, you're cynical. If Bartmanhomer is having fun with us, then I think we're having fun with him as well. So far the thread seems to be quite jovial in nature- except for two posts by a certain duo. :) On the topic of tickling, I would allow it, but there'd have to be some serious...
  4. Breakstone

    OotS: Time for some evil goodness!

    I loved the strip. :D I think Harry Potter is a terrific series of books, but I really do agree with the parody as well.
  5. Breakstone

    Favourite "Post-Human" PC Race?

    We always figured the final step of the ritual was the quite "thump" of the, er, extra organ dropping away, and a triumphant, "Hisssss."
  6. Breakstone

    Need an interesting barbarian idea

    The two ideas I love are these: Lord Greystoke barbarian (aka Tarzan): His parents died on a trip in the jungle, leaving him at the mercy of a band of semi-intelligent monsters that raised him like one of their own. He trains in their ways, learning rather primitive survival techniques...
  7. Breakstone

    My Avatar is Awesome

    I made mine. It's the cropped face of this Gravekeeper I made out of clay. I just love his smug expression. :) Here's the un-cropped version:
  8. Breakstone

    Owlbear help

    You could always bring it to a local Druid to be trained. Instead of spending 15+ hours a day, you could visit once every other day for 3 hours or something. The Druid does the training, you get the pet. :)
  9. Breakstone

    Share the love: puzzle edition!

    I never make my puzzles all that difficult. They're more like a small break from the action for me to get a soda and the players to use their brains. Here's one I used recently that went over quite well: Chrystal Password - Throughout the dungeon, the characters have been gathering vials...
  10. Breakstone

    Most Outrageous Weapons

    One DM (this was back in the days of Middle School) gave the dwarven barbarian a magical Giant Venus Fly Trap named Scree. It could shoot fireballs (neat), but everytime it did so, it would say (in a very rediculous voice) "Scree!" God we hated that plant.
  11. Breakstone

    Carapace Armor

    That would take a whole lot of cockroaches... Who would shell them? Is there a profession for Shelling Cockroaches, or is that folded into Craft (Armorsmith)? Could you shell a cockroach, cast Cure Light Wounds to heal it, and then shell it again? How long does a cockroach live after it's...
  12. Breakstone

    Suggestion on a mount for a Dwarf Paladin?

    An ogre. That'd be awesome!
  13. Breakstone

    A different kind of campaign...

    I'd rather have an all-psionics game than mix Magic and Psionics in a campaign. To me, the two aren't incompatible- they're just two methods to the same madness. I prefer sticking with one method of madness, thank you very much. :D
  14. Breakstone

    Victim of a "Flesh to Felt" Spell

    DMAC, that's absolutely terrific. Your control over lines is amazing. And it's a muppet. Ha.