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Recent content by Al

  1. A

    how Dumb

    Sorry, my mistake. Int x 5 + 50 is what I meant to type, but for some reason my fingers must have gone rogue ;)
  2. A

    how Dumb

    Gah! Despite what the Sage says, modelling IQ as Int x 10 is horrendously inaccurate in mapping on to a 3d6 probability curve. The odds of randomly rolling an 18 Int is 1 in 216. Conversely, the odds of a randomly selected person having an IQ of 180 (or greater) is roughly 1 in 20,000,000* -...
  3. A

    Abilities: More, less or just right

    I like the ability score system from the CRPG Arcanum, which has four physical (Strength, Dexterity, Constitution and Beauty) and four mental (Intelligence, Willpower, Perception and Charisma). Splitting Wisdom into Willpower and Perception seems to be very popular, and both could get a...
  4. A

    Mass Resilient Sphere: What Level?

    I'd lean towards 7th or 8th level, but working on a principle that the more cautious estimate should be taken (it can then be revised down - far more difficult to revise something up a level if PCs are taking that spell) I think that 8th looks about fine. It's clearly weaker than Mass Hold...
  5. A

    What is the median level of the population of your gameworld?

    Assuming a reasonable demographic spread in a more or less peaceful area, I'd go with 3rd or possibly 4th level. I start from the premise that it's silly to assume that XP can only come from killing monsters, otherwise the vast majority of the population would be 1st level, and the master...
  6. A

    I have a character with a great backstory but no stuff.

    If you're going with IamTheTest's commendable spell list (there are a few changes I would have: Baleful Polymorph and Hold Monster spring immediately to mind) then don't take Mithril Chain. Greater Mage Armour gives a +6 to AC, with is just as good as Mithril Chain +2 and without the spell...
  7. A

    Ability Score Breakdown by Population?

    The problem with this is of course the question of where one starts. One can begin by taking the bell curve, buying the old canard that IQ = Int x 10 and then shoe-horn the statistics necessary. The major deficiency with this approach is that it de facto makes any PC with an Intelligence of 7...
  8. A

    Dice Survivor, Finale: d6 vs. d20

    Play any other system other than the d20 one? Think about it: without the d20, you lose the d20 system. Without the humble d6, nearly every game in the cosmos unravels...
  9. A

    How do I run on water?

    Personally, I don't mind the running on water business. It's the Escape Artist through Walls of Force that really bug me (now who can explain how *that* works?)
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    Qualities of a Hero

    My instincts are that we're actually on the same side of the proverbial fence but shouting across it. Your post is precisely the case I have made (i.e. that it is counter-productive to test our heroes against a yardstick which is unattainable). The exact reason why I am sceptical about the...
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    Qualities of a Hero

    I don't believe you can. Or at least, there are no historical figures whom I can think of that embody these qualities consistently. Some may exhibit these traits at some points, but none do so all of the time. Likewise, I'm dubious. Nevertheless, I can appreciate that RL examples would...
  12. A

    Qualities of a Hero

    Whilst these are certainly held up as ideals, it is far from the case that these were ever actually exercised in practice consistently. No realistic "hero" would ever encompass all of these qualities . This is the fundamental problem which many critics of the traditional "hero" archetype...
  13. A

    "A reward beyond your wildest dreams!"

    Whilst valuations vary considerably, the gold piece = $50 is extremely reasonable. One can calculate the weight of a gold piece, then work from that to approximate the equivalent value of gold. Of course, this would be highly variable to the supply of gold in your campaign, but this is a...
  14. A

    Ultimate Feat Survivor ROUND IS OVER

    I'm glad that Improved Initiative made the final run-off, but I'm afraid that PA has the edge. II is useful to any character, but PA makes or breaks an entire archetype (the tank/meat shield/big bloke with sword). Save the fighter. Save Power Attack.
  15. A

    Your Favorite Skill

    Bluff. Tumble can escape an AoO, Bluff can turn the course of world events.