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Recent content by Akhkharu

  1. A

    [Winners Announced] Guess which number I'm thinking of and win FREE PRODUCT!

    “Here, drink! Make you feel better!..." The story of my life... . guess is: 14
  2. A

    Natural attacks increase with monk levels?

    Thanks for the quick replies. I wasn't certain how it would work and I was banging my head against the wall trying to figure it out. Well, it was more of a file cabinet, but it shocked me everytime I did it though. Natural attacks does not increase with monk levels. Cool. Thanks a bananna...
  3. A

    Natural attacks increase with monk levels?

    Would natural attacks increase with monk levels? Say a creature with 2 claw attacks with d8 dmg has monk levels. Assuming it sticks with the claw attacks, at 1st level, would the damage be 1d6 (monk) or 1d8 (claw)? (thinkin' d8) What about at 5th level when the monk gets a damage increase...
  4. A

    Is this allowed?

    Actually I found them in OA. I didn't know they were in Complete Warrior as I don't have the book nor the money for it, but my question is answered so thanks a million and one. AKh edit: me spell bad
  5. A

    Is this allowed?

    I don't know if this has been asked before, my seraches hasn't turned up anything. Does Earth's Embrace & Roundabout Kick work together? EE - allows critical hits while maintaining a pin. RK - allows an additional attack at the same opponent anytime a successful critical hit Thank in advance, Akh
  6. A

    What to do? Couple of questions that came up during a game

    Had a couple of questions that came up during the game earlier in the week. 1) Can an attack of opprtunity provoke an attack of opportunity? If so, how many attacks of opportunity can be made (assuming the one taking the attacks has combat reflexes)? ex: The fighter moves through the ogres...
  7. A

    I Am Very Very Drunk.

    For me, it's always been VET. For some reason, I always seemed to forget when I had a VET. VET = Vodka, Ever Clear, Tequilla
  8. A

    Thieves Guild

    Well, I'm sitting here bored at work so I descided to finish my Thieves Guild. It's pretty basic, and I'll work on a sample one probably next, but I was wondering if you could give me your opinions on this, and if I missed anything of importance. Much appreciated, Ryan
  9. A

    Alt: Minotaur

    What is your opinions on this and what level adjustment, if any would you give? Also, what changes would you make? Note: These minotaur are not the ones from the MM, but a race similar to the cow. Minotaur: -2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom: Minotaurs aren’t quick on the uptake but don’t try to...
  10. A

    Elven/Elvish Names, Anyone Need One? (Closed, Use new thread)

    Demon Blessed Demon Cursed Demon Born Son of the mother who slept with a horned one Unwanted Blood of Demon Demon Blood
  11. A

    Name that blade

    Airy Toot Blast of Gas Breath of Wind Cunning Zephyr Zephyr Cutter Hurricane Zephyr Vengence Puff The Magic Sword Sky Crusher Stratosphere Ventilator Back Draft Breezy Wind
  12. A

    [OT] Kings of Chaos is back once again!

    it's back. It's Back! IT'S BACK!!! More fun stuff to do while I do nothing.
  13. A

    Optional Class - Swashbuckler

    Thanks Priest
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    Optional Class - Swashbuckler

    Opps, double post
  15. A

    Optional Class - Swashbuckler

    If you would be so kind, that would be great. Thanks. I'll make sure to mention this to my player I think I might have this one, though where it is, is another question entirely He wants to start off from scratch, to my understanding anyways. CHANGES TO CLASS: - Drop hit dice down to D6...