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Recent content by Aberzanzorax

  1. Aberzanzorax

    D&D General Running D&D at a town library for players that sign up.

    As the title, our local library has offered D&D in the past, and I'm going to offer to DM. It's light on details at the moment, but I'm looking for advice. It'll be 5e. Any tips you all have? Any suggested adventures? Things to avoid? Personal experiences doing this (or something similar) you'd...
  2. Aberzanzorax

    D&D General Ben Riggs on how to make D&D a $1 billion brand

    Disagree. Agree until you get to "therefore". Therefore growing the player base and as such, the customer base. The point of the article, IMO, is that the lack of DMs is a bottleneck that stifles growth of the brand. More DMs = more GAMES, not more books sold. More games = more players = more...
  3. Aberzanzorax

    Naming Fey characters

    Oh, interesting. Looks like that magazine was Feb 2003, so 3.0. What I was saying was true for 3.5 (cold iron must be specifically made and a steel sword or armor wouldn't count). But 3.0, IIRC was just magical plusses for DR, so this template would have been being creative prior to the...
  4. Aberzanzorax

    Naming Fey characters

    Steel isn't cold iron. Fey in most editions have vulnerability to cold iron, but not to normal weapons.
  5. Aberzanzorax

    What's Your Favorite Name for a TTRPG and Why?

    I re-read your original post. "Murder Hobos" is a well(ish) known term for unscrupulous D&D characters. If that name isn't taken, it might fit your game.
  6. Aberzanzorax

    What's Your Favorite Name for a TTRPG and Why?

    With respect "Vagabonds and Varlets" sounds less like a game and more like an NPC supplement. Is your game tied to a setting? "Vagabonds of the Scorched Forest" Or a time/mythos like "Vagabonds of the Ancient Caves" "Vagabonds of the Ankh". If not tied to anything, and it is more of a system...
  7. Aberzanzorax

    Warner Bros wants to make Lord of the Rings films. Not remakes, fyi.

    Theory: The show will be a cooking class entitled "Second Breakfast or Elevenses?"
  8. Aberzanzorax

    The Purpose of the + in Thread Titles

    Imagine someone is having a bad day. "I am awesome +". Maybe they just want to hear good things about themselves that day. No constructive criticism, no jibes, no "well, this one time you___, so maybe grow from that". Or imagine someone is feeling upset about Star Wars because of the sequels...
  9. Aberzanzorax

    Reporting Non-Post Content

    Or you could try to make the forum a less antagonistic place. The OP is asking how to do that, not for a free therapy session.
  10. Aberzanzorax

    Star Wars Rewatch

    Learning from this thread how much the stuff that wasn't told until later makes the whole thing better (eventually and with quality control). I still feel the initial jolt of the prequels messing with the originals. But, yeah... Darth Maul's backstory, now that I know it, might make Phantom...
  11. Aberzanzorax

    D&D General Why Unbalanced Combat Encounters Can Enhance Your Dungeons & Dragons Experience

    In that same campaign I just mentioned, I keep misty step and vortex warp memorized and in reserve for exactly this reason. In another campaign I'd probably have chosen more offensive spells. EDIT TO ADD: Which, in a way, makes the difficulty level even harder. The need to have retreat spells...
  12. Aberzanzorax

    Star Wars Rewatch

    I can sort of see your point. I think Lucas was trying to do with Maul what he did with Fett. I just don't think he was successful. But I do agree, when it comes to prequel dialogue, usually less is more. Maybe if he'd just DONE something evil (that made sense for the character) that'd have...
  13. Aberzanzorax

    Star Wars Rewatch

    I agree that the Darth Maul lightsaber fight was amazing. However, Darth Maul himself may as well have been a robot. I felt like he was a non-character, no emotional investment against him, and when he died, no sense of satisfaction that evil had been defeated. Giving the audience motivation...
  14. Aberzanzorax

    D&D General Why Unbalanced Combat Encounters Can Enhance Your Dungeons & Dragons Experience

    I'm playing in an open world version of the 5e Strahd book. Since it's open world, we hear about things much more powerful than us, and have even met Strahd himself briefly on a couple of occasions. We have a paladin in the party, and even he knows better than to attack Strahd. But we also...
  15. Aberzanzorax

    What's the WORST Star Wars movie?

    That's me. I voted for only Phantom Menace. The poll said "worst" so I picked only one. I'd probably have voted for the other 2 prequels if I voted for three. But non-objectively I also wanted to vote for Rogue One. It was the movie that made me want to stop watching Star Wars movies. I found...