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I'm ready for a new Star Wars RPG


#1 Enworld Jerk™
You can get a long way with d20 Modern/Future. You might need to reskin some of the skills and FX, but otherwise it's not a bad match.
I mean, it's been awhile but I don't think D20 Modern was all that different from the first two 3rd edition derived WotC Star Wars RPGs? Though, a fair bit different than SAGA to be fair.

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Bill Zebub

“It’s probably Matt Mercer’s fault.”
I'm definitely one of the people who HATES that idea. I especially hope nothing like that becomes the public face of Star Wars roleplaying, because people tend to follow the leader on stuff like this, no matter where the path leads.

Well then I look forward to you participating in our forums as much as you do with 5e, the other system you hate. :)

Greg K

Black Star by Lakeside Games is exactly the game I'm talking about. I don't know what to tell ya, the PbtA influence seems pretty apparent to me, lol. I know it's not an official PbtA game but looks like an obvious spinoff to me. I'd be shocked if the author stated otherwise.
But now I'm going to google that other game.
My apologies for assuming you might have the wrong game based on your mention of pbta. I see little, if any, pbta influence as I have seen many elements of Black Star in other games predating pbta.


I tend to agree with @Bill Zebub ; the best system for Star Wars would be one that was created for Star Wars with a modern outlook on rpg and based on the themes of the franchise similar to how TOR was created for a late-3rd age Middle Earth rpg.

I started this thread not knowing of this one; it's about identifying the themes of Star Wars that could be turn into game mechanics somehow.


I wonder if a way to balance Jedi is by giving each class its own distinctive superpower, but with flavor that makes only the Force seem like an actual superpower? E.g.:

Jedi: the Force.
Smuggler: Lucky. (Blaster shots miss you. Pursuers happen to turn the wrong way. You guess the password.)
Droid: Overlooked (Enemies tend to ignore you) Nerveless (Instead of taking HP you lose your sub-functions, but your other functions are unimpaired. Also you can almost always be repaired.)


In other words, the Jedi's superpower is an in-game, literal superpower. The Smuggler's superpower is a narrative superpower: the player can use a resource that basically makes the story go their way, even if there's no in-game explanation for it. (Yes, I know some people will HATE that idea....)

UPDATE: In fact, maybe all classes except Jedi get the ability to affect the story this way, although with different flavor/specifics. E.g., droids can "find a data port" even if the GM didn't put one there.

I love this,

I'd go as far as saying that Jedi too get to affect the story; their Jedi powers are their flavour/specifics, like "I read his mind", or "I redirect the blaster shot with my lightsaber". Perhaps key phrases like this is enough to support characters' powers, including Jedi.


I actually think Savage Worlds would be a pretty good fit as it's a system that was designed for action in the vein of Flash Gordon, Conan, and The Shadow.

  • The Powers can mimick pretty well what we see in the movies and the extended universe and you can just as easily use it to make a Witch of Dathomir as you can a Jedi.
  • Characters like Pilots, Bounty Hunters, Diplomats, etc., etc. can be competitive with Jedi.
  • The skills are broad enough to emulate what we see in the movies.
On the downside, the rules for vehicles in Savage Worlds has been descibed as "stupid" by one of my players and I can't entirely disagree. If you want to have some fun space battles, SW needs some work.

I'd prefer a bespoke set of rules, but I'd settle for SW. Not that there's any change in hell they'd get a license.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
I really think a bespoke system with elements of The One Ring, pbta, fitd, and cypher system, would rule, but it would have to have gear and vehicle rules that treat them as gear, if that makes sense.

No total hand-wave, either. For me, why play Star Wars if I can’t modify and upgrade my Tapani Noble’s yt-1930, sporting blaster, sky slicer, speeder bike, and Tapani dueling saber?

The kit is just as important as the force powers, to me. I don’t play a Jedi Guardian, I play an Arkanian Outlaw Tech turned Jedi, or a teen human slicer/mechanic with a droidified robotic arm and a connection to the force that was blocked by a Jedi in hiding to protect her from a “Sith witch” type figure with a mysterious interest in her.

One thing I never got to do in any SW game is a force adept that attunes more tech than a lightsaber, eventually being totally attuned to like a ship and a collection of gear.

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