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D&D General DMs Guild and DriveThruRPG ban AI written works, requires labels for AI generated art


And they keep jobs for l9nger which means younger people take longer to get started with adult independent life and gain access to positions of power in turn delaying societal progress and decissive action in stuff like climate change? Also creating a bigger demand for quality jobs of which there are now less because AI is replacing them? n_n
This is a very simplistic view of the job market and careers. Maybe 80 years ago people stayed in a job for most of their career until their retired and someone else took their place. Now people are continually changing roles. Careers for most people follow an arc and few people stop work at the peak of their career.

Older generations have useful skills and knowledge that can be passed on. Who do you think trains the young people?

Employment is not a zero sum game. The days of dead man’s shoes are long gone for all but a few professions.

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It is extremely easy to solve, just don't buy anything produced using AI or robotics.

In general I am against people imposing their own morals on others. If you think something is wrong don't partake in it, but let me make my own choices on right and wrong. It is simple as that.
Take the issues of permission and theft out of it for a moment. If AI makes art available to folks who couldn’t afford it otherwise is that a good thing or a bad thing? If I can’t afford to buy an art print for my rented bedsit but I can pay a few quid to get something I’ve generated myself printed is that not a good thing?


Yes because I can take whatever they do and resell it myself. It will take away their near-monopoly on things.

Yes with the internet in fact they do. Look at the thousands (or millions) of content creators and influencers that exist already. Now imagine each of them is allowed to use others works and the works of major corporations without any sort of permission or agreement.

I'm not against open source, but if you think the hypothetical me, who wants to sell widgets out of my garage, is going to out hustle Amazon/Apple/Google/"Meta" (lol)/Walmart/PG/GE or whatever the corporations of China are called, or SAP, or...any industrial tier company, its just not going to happen.

The more likely path, is I invent/code/develop something, some corporate dick see's it, and suddenly my effort is being sold in every major store, because they have the manufacturing and distribution power that I do not and I dont see another penny.



I'm not against open source, but if you think the hypothetical me, who wants to sell widgets out of my garage, is going to out hustle Amazon/Apple/Google/"Meta" (lol)/Walmart/PG/GE or whatever the corporations of China are called, or SAP, or...any industrial tier company, its just not going to happen.

The more likely path, is I invent/code/develop something, some corporate dick see's it, and suddenly my effort is being sold in every major store, because they have the manufacturing and distribution power that I do not and I dont see another penny.
Intellectual property law is a public good. It just should be allowed to be extended indefinitely. Folks can make good arguments about "how long" from inception, but there are no good arguments for "perpetuity."


I have seen some ARTIST friends do pretty amazing things with Midjourney by tweaking and curating prompts and outputs over the course of hours. It might not be the same thing as painting but it also isn't nothing.

I feel like a lot of this "it's just clicking a button!" attitude comes from people who have never used it and don't have the first idea of what it takes to get a thing you want...
...today. Today it isn't just clicking a button. Today it takes skill to use it. The point of AI is that it does work for you. As time goes by, we, or AI itself, will improve the efficacy of AI. That is, it will unless we all kill ourselves off before it gets there.

The concept of technological singularity is a real concern. It is the idea that technology will get to a point where it can improve itself - fast - and that it will - in a very short period of time - massively outpace human intelligence in every meaningful way (before it slows development due to reaching new limits that it can't surpass easily). If it happens, we better hope that the people responsible for the AI - and whatever comes out of the evolution of the AI - have good intentions for the world. Of course, when has technology ever been controlled by people that were not trustworthy...


Intellectual property law is a public good. It just should be allowed to be extended indefinitely. Folks can make good arguments about "how long" from inception, but there are no good arguments for "perpetuity."

Yeah, I mean once you have X million, is there really an ethical argument that you need more, forever?



I'm not talking about money. I am talking about how long a creation remains the province of a single entity.

Right, but isnt it about control/money ultimately anyway?

I agree, but at its root, isnt that the issue? Like no-name brand drugs, vs the name brand and all that.


This exact same argument was used in this thread already. I'll share the same image that was shared earlier:
View attachment 291232
"No ethical consumption under capitalism" isn't a justification or excuse for bad things happening. It's a problem that should be solved. And should not be used to dismiss concerns about the ethics of a new technology.

More people cherry picking what they care about.

I'm not even American but seen parts of the rust belt and know about labour practices, automation,

To me it's all related sone of its very applicable.

Also a certain amount of arrogance when I saw comments about flipping burgers or farm work as I've done both.

And how AI learns isn't to different from humans.

I don't expect perfection one xant really avoid buying clothes from dodgy sources for example but I do try and minimize the worst offenders (Amazon, Apple, anything Elon Musk).

Pay more or go without.

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