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[5e_One Shot] Baptism by Fire


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Or so I suppose. Regardless, it's done, and the money is divided. And we become individuals with a common purpose, but not a group working together."
Amil shakes his head
"It is only that way if you make it so, Darrock. It was never your chest by your own words. And you could chalk it up to Ferns youth or simple misunderstanding and work toward better group understanding. Or you could sulk while we're talking and then talk to me alone afterwards. Which do you think promotes group thinking more? I'll leave you to ponder, I won't bother you again if you want your individuality untouched. I will cone and heal you and help uf you get into trouble, but your decision will make or break this group."

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HP: 18/18
AC: 14 (Leather)

3/3 (1d6)
Spell Slots:
1st: [ ] [ ] [ ]
Pass Per: 13
Pass Inv: 12
Pass Ins: 11
DC: 13
Arcana: 4
Disguise :5
Minor Illusion;
Vicious Mockery
Perform: 5
Sl of Hnd: 5
Stealth: 5
Thief Tool:5
Known Spells 1st
Animal Friendship
Comprehend Languages,
Detect Magic,

Fern leaned out over the bow of the boat, watching the water flow past the vessel. He was half-heartedly writing words in his spell book which doubled as his 'History' book. He'd decided to write the events of the trip in verse; to pen an Epic but, now, the words on the page seemed hollow and insignificant.

He hadn't meant to make people upset but he knew Darrock was right. He realized the mistakes he made could have serious consequences. On the streets of the Capital, a mistake could land you face down in a gutter. He'd been living well for too many years and he'd forgotten the dangers of the world outside the tower: Knights had been murdered - burned to death and, for some reason, Delenir had thought it prudent to send Fern on the mission to find out why. There had to be a reason for that decision.

As the boat rounded the bend, the view of the FireTrees ahead of them took his breath away and, simultaneously, ignited a fire within the boy's heart: he was Delenir's apprentice - a wizard! Fern would be relentless in his pursuit of the truth behind Delenir's missing son. He would make the Archmage proud.

Some introspection
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Fort Wheelan

Aridrish follows behind the wagon train and watches as the head of it veers off to set up camp outside the walls of Fort Wheelan. Captain Torngrim motions for Aridrish to follow the mounted knights into the fort.

Inside the walls the knights dismount, while porters and servants lead the horses away. Then they gather as a group around a huge water barrel. Using clay cups to drink and wet their heads with, they chat amongst themselves about the long uneventful ride. They quiet down as the captain and barbarian near. Squire Olms moves forward quickly and takes up two cups. Turning he offers one to his captain and the other to the dragonborn.


Fire Trees

The hull of Captain Scrinner's skiff bumps a short dock and sailors immediately get to work tying down the craft. The captain himself stands amongst the crew a package made of thick fabric under one arm. When all is ready he turns to his first mate and says, "Pay'em and get'em all bedded down." He turns to address the crew, "One day!" He yells out to be heard. "Tomorrow you lot unload the boat, then the rest of the day is yers! Day after tomorrow we head back!"

Then the gruff river captain steps off the boat and turns to the group, "You all follows me then." he says before heading to the stairs leading up to the town.

Fire Trees is a light and although darkness has set in no torches or lanterns are needed to transverse its streets. Captain Scrinner flicks his chin at a one-story building with round tables out front. "The River's Bend." he says without provocation. "The boys will drink and sing there tonight, so it's no place you lot will wish to be." He shudders at the thought of his crew singing and continues on. Walking by the building everyone can see new timbers patching up the walls to the tavern.

Which is common for most of the standing buildings left in Fire Trees. The SpellPlague did a number on Unther and its communities, and the war following did nothing to help the country, as lack of men and trade slowed down reconstruction. For every rebuilt building there are two or three the group passes that can only be used for materials. The roofs, doors, chimneys, and anything else that could be salvaged has been taken from one structure to repair another.

People are seen going about their daily activities, as if the light from the trees gives them more time in a day to complete their tasks. Nobody gives the odd group a second glance, mostly due to Captain Scrinner's glare. With no stopping Captain Scrinner leads the group to what must have once been a manor house. It too having been rebuilt from new and salvaged materials. It stands alone outside of the town its grounds given over to a small caravan encampment. "They turned the ol'manor into a taphouse and inn." Scrinner says not bothering to turn his head to address the group. He hurriedly heads up the steps and then inside. A new sign on a post out-front reads "The Bright Rest".



Mardoc was happy to leave the riverboat. He hadn't been at his best on board, and now he was eager to get the group rolling forward on the mission. His expertise was not, in any way, in leadership, so he waited to see who would rise to lead them. Whoever that was, Mardoc's plan was to back that person and advise them.

HP: 18/18
AC: 14 (Leather)

3/3 (1d6)
Spell Slots:
1st: [ ] [ ] [ ]
Pass Per: 13
Pass Inv: 12
Pass Ins: 11
DC: 13
Arcana: 4
Disguise :5
Minor Illusion;
Vicious Mockery
Perform: 5
Sl of Hnd: 5
Stealth: 5
Thief Tool:5
Known Spells 1st
Animal Friendship
Comprehend Languages,
Detect Magic,

Fern collected his things and slung his heavy backpack onto his shoulders. Following behind the Captain, Fern eyed the various back alleys and fences and filed the possible shortcuts through the town into his memory. He had to admit the place seemed a bit depressing but was curious about the forest that was burning beyond the town. He wracked his memory to try to remember anything about it. (1)

"Captain Scrimmer, before you go, I have a couple of questions: How many people live here?(2) Delenir said there'd be horses for us...is there a contact that we should talk to?"

1. Also, how are the trees on fire? Do they burn away or is it some kind of magic?
I'll roll an Int check.
Int Check about Firetrees: 1D20+2 = [6]+2 = 8 Or 10 if it's arcana.

2. Just getting a feeling for the size of the town.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Amil quietly collects his books and follows the captain. He looks around with interest but doesn't comment on any of it.
He does however help a wounded worker they passed by concentrating as he approaches and touches a man slightly in passing.

OOC: 1d6 healing to up to 3 workers/warriors/other wounded as long as he can avoid attention


Following the riverboat captain inside, Fern asks his questions as the man stands nearly in the doorway. Looking struck as if in awe or admiration the young bard catches a glimpse of what Captain Scrinner is staring at.

A young woman wipes down a large round table with a white bar cloth. She moves with an almost unnatural grace, her steps light and swift. Her hair is pulled back to keep it out of her face as she works, highlighting her long pointed ears.

"Aye," the Captain says calmly. "There do be someone ye all need ta meet." Securing his package under his arm he moves across the room, a smile (the first any of you have ever seen on his face) starts to form.

"Lorella! Lorella! I do be back girl!"
Walking up and putting the bundle of cloth on the table he turns to make introductions. The expression on his face that of a proud father, "This do be Lorella!" he says as if that explains everything.

Amil had found two men working on a house as the group made their way to The Bright Rest. One of the men was limping and the angel's heart hurt to see him hobbling about as he worked. Healing the man was second nature to the assimar, but what he was not ready for was the reaction he got. Both men dropped their tools and started fawning over the warlock. Grabbing at the hem of his clothes and thanking him over and over, both coming to tears. Amil fought off the men and rejoined the group as they entered the inn.

GM: Sorry your check was to low to remember anything about Firetrees, although as the group passed through the small town, they heard no crackling of fire, smelled no smoke, and saw no ash or floating debris.

The young elf woman gives the captain a brief embrace. "It's good to see you, Scrinner. Who are these folks you be bringing to the middle of nowhere?" She has a genuine smile on her face but some you are sure she is sizing the lot of you up.


"Just a bunch of grippins' what gonna help get dem supplies west," Scrinner answers embracing the woman in return. "This be for youse," he says a bit bashful. "A new cloak to keep'em warm and dark to keep'em private."

He hands her the bundle of cloth. Then turns and yells back at the group, "Sit you lot! Youse get to sleep off the water tonight."

GM: Most of that was in Thieves Cant btw

Voidrunner's Codex

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