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Dragonlance Dragonlance Shadow of the Dragon Queen shows up in the wild!

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So aside from Lord Soth and Kansaldi Fire-Eyes, there are two other established DL characters who make an appearance in this adventure. One is Bakaris and the other is Dalamar.

In the adventure, he starts off as a spoiled noble known as Bakaris the Younger. He is something of an annoyance for the PCs early on, but partway through the adventure, he defects and joins the Dragon Armies. The PCs have the chance to face him in battle later on, where he uses the Dragon Army officer stats, and they can even defeat him. Presumably if the PCs kill him, then someone resurrects him so he can still fulfill his role as Kitiara's 2ic later in the war.

EDIT: It is also established that Bakaris and his father originally came from Estwilde, which is in keeping with the established lore from previous editions.

Dalamar can be encountered in the Northern Wastes, where he is part of a Silvanesti expedition searching for ancient ruins. He can provide assistance to the PCs in their search for the City of Lost Names. Unlike Bakaris, he is not intended to be fought at any point, and he has not yet "fallen" and become a dark elf. He uses the generic mage statblock.

I feel I should note that there's no "nudge nudge wink wink" fan servicey stuff in their presentation. They're just two NPCs (one hostile, one neutral/friendly) that the PCs meet along the way with no expectation that the players will know who they are.
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I crit!
Did someone call dibs on when errata would happen? Might have one already.



Unless there's a section that points them at MPMM for minotaurs and centaurs goliaths (reskinned as ogres) and tells them to reskin dragonborn, of course. But other 5e books have been pretty good so far at keeping all the available options in either the setting book or the PHB, not telling people they have to use a third book in order to play the setting properly.
There don't appear to be any references to minotaurs as a playable race, but the book does point you to Monsters of the Multiverse for sea elves:

Screenshot 2022-11-23 182452.png

As an aside, I'm wondering if the highlighted part here is a veiled reference to gully dwarves:

Screenshot 2022-11-23 182659.png


Interesting that both backgrounds and all of the new feats available at 1st level have "Dragonlance campaign" as a prerequisite. (The 4th level feats don't, but I guess they don't need to since they require one of the 1st level feats that does.)


Also, here’s what the book has to say about Lord Soth’s role in the adventure:

View attachment 267666
Interesting. I wonder if the intent is that there will be some sort fo follow up to this. Is it possible trusted DMsGuild creators are working on the "second half" of the adventure? Or is this just an admission that WotC expects most DL campaigns will keep going after the official end of this adventure?

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