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D&D 5E Leif's First 5E Homebrew In-Character Thread 1A

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OOC: KN, I need a charisma check for Risia, roll it twice since you have advantage, to see if she can convince the charmed goblin to go hunting. Also, you have to remember that this lowly guard may not know everything there is to know, and he may have been told a story to keep him away from the Secret Boss Entrance. Or not, he could be saving your lives by warning you. You guys might want to discuss your options further IC before you decide what to do, and then I'll need some specifics about what you're doing, which way your going in, what precautions you take, and exactly how you go about it.


Harald looks around his companions then at the goblin then back at his companions then to his feet and mumbles"At least the traps won't be smelly and unclean" The poor noble looks peaky and most certainly does not want to be here.

Fifthteach pulls himself himself up and pats the dirt off of him. "Unless the parts of older trespassers are still dangling from them, all rott'n like." he lets out a small chuckle. "I say we atleast look for the entrance, will be alot less hassle then fighting our way in."


Watch Tower -- Onward and Upward

"Sure, I could try to get some fresh meat, but something smaller than a deer that could kill me," and Gravel goes off looking for a field mouse or something.

OOC: The heck with the check, we don't need to waste the time. But , in future, please go ahead and roll any dice implied by your stated actions when such a roll could be necessary.

Fiftheach looks around and spots a low defile, almost like a ditch 30 or 40 feet wide, that seems to get deeper and narrower as it goes. Maybe a hidden tunnel could be in such terrain?
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Watch Tower -- Search for the 'Back Door'

Fiftheach thinks he may see something that might be a track, but it might not, he just can't be sure.
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