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If we are using the Ultimate Powers Book this is what my character is shaping up to be...




No sorry, they do not. You have a Total of 4 powers (3 if you keep Molecular Conversion.) You may replace any rolled power with Optional Powers listed. Descriptions are (for the most part) in the Ultimate Powers Book. But I can list them upon request. When you are done roll for No. of Talents.

24 Energy Control
50 Matter Conversion
65 Mental Enhancement
59 Mental Enhancement
62 Plasma Control (Optional Powers
include Plasma Generation, Energy
Doppelganger, Energy Sheath, and
Energy Body.)
80 Molecular Conversion(takes 2 powers, Optional Powers
include Matter Animation and
65 Mind Drain (Optional Powers
include Telepathy, Mental Probe,
Mental Duplication, and Mind Blast.)
99 Total Memory (Optional Powers include
Hyper Invention, Hyper-intelligence,
and Weapons Tinkering.)


My thinking was not to roll in the RG but to get the rolls here in the OOC into one post and on one page.

Speaking of rolls going to do to sets of Powers although I know not how many I have.

SET 1:
Power Class:[roll0], Power: [roll1]
Power Class:[roll2], Power: [roll3]
Power Class:[roll4], Power: [roll5]

No Rank rolls yet as some powers may be eliminated if I need to use two spots for one power, type thing.

Set 2:
Power Class:[roll0], Power: [roll1]
Power Class:[roll2], Power: [roll3]
Power Class:[roll4], Power: [roll5]

Are we using the Ultimate powers book, I am currently downloading that as we speak, err type.

Power Class:(1d100)[18], Power: (1d100)[69] Energy Emmission/Plasma Generation
Power Class:(1d100)[57], Power: (1d100)[67] Matter Creation/Missile Creation
Power Class:(1d100)[94], Power: (1d100)[15] Energy Control/Coldshaping
Power Class:(1d100)[40], Power: (1d100)[70] Mental Enhancement/Omni-Knowledge
Power Class:(1d100)[56], Power: (1d100)[90] Self Alteration/Raise Lowest Ability
Power Class:(1d100)[24], Power: (1d100)[10] Detection/Circular Vision

You have one more Power. Optional Powers to replace Power Rolls as per Ultimate Powers Book.

Omni Knowledge:
A character with this power has an
innate, subconscious link to a sort of
cosmic reference library. When he is
presented with a question concerning
information of which he was
previously ignorant, the PC must
make a FEAT. Green FEATs give him
access to contemporary human
knowledge. Yellow FEATs give him
access to alien knowledge. Red FEATs
give him access to Entity-level
knowledge. Success means he is able
to give a short, concise answer that
only answers the initial question. As a
limit to this power, the question must
be asked of the hero by another
person. Also, despite his ability to
"know" any given topic, the PC might
not be able to understand it. His
comprehension is still limited by his
Reason. This power enables the Judge
to create idiot savants who can
decipher the workings of Galactus's
Worldship but are unable to tie their
shoelaces. For example: Ref-Book
and his buddy Jaunt find themselves
in the Watcher's recreation room,
facing a piece of alien technology.
Ref-Book has no idea of what the
thing is, but when Jaunt asks the
magic question "What is that?" Ref-
Book's power goes to work. He makes
a Red FEAT, gains the necessary
knowledge, and says "It's a television
set." "Well, how do we turn it on?"
asks Jaunt. Ref-Book fails his next
FEAT and says, "Beats me."

Raise Lowest Ability:
Not really a
Power by any means, but a method of
immediate self-improvement for a
character that may be suffering from
terminally low stats in a critical area
(say, a Feeble Strength in a character
with Body Armor, who carries a
mystic sword). Only one of the seven
abilities may be modified in this
fashion, and then only the lowest one
(if two are lowest, the hero gets to
choose which one is modified). The
ability is raised 20 points.


Trying again

That's better. Now the rest:

Altered Humans: Altered Humans
are everyday people like you and me
(well. me, anyway) who have been
accidentally or purposefully exposed
to weird radiation, secret formulas, or
chose to be instructed in strange and
powerful talents. The Fantastic Four,
and Hulk are examples of altered
• Altered humans roll their random
ranks for primary abilities on Column
1 of the Random Ranks Table.
• After the primary ability ranks are
rolled. Altered humans may raise any
single primary ability rank by +1 CS.

Fighting Excellent
Agility Remarkable
Strength Incredible
Endurance Good
Reason Excellent
Intuition Remarkable
Psyche Incredible
Resources not rolled yet

Give me 12 rolls for powers.

Voidrunner's Codex

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