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Dark Days in Sion - Act 3: Scene 1


Aletia, Kayote

Aletia said:
[Knowledge (Streetwise) = 21]

Results of Streetwise Check_______________________________________

Centuries of skirmishes and terrible encounters with the evils of Skull Mountain have made
the Elven Kingdom of Seillon much more aware of the Black Network than most Akhenatens. You have witnessed warbands of evil humanoids do unspeakable harm to innocent townships and caravans, yet it is smaller groups of scouts and assassins that do the most damage and give the network its real reach and power. Agents of Skull Mountain are responsible for countless acts of sabotage, arson, murder, and many other dark deeds.

A particular merchant found skinned-alive, an oasis fouled, a temple set ablaze.... all these things and more they do under orders of
greater evils and more devious minds pulling their strings. The black network manipulates the flow of trade around the region, destabilizes local authorities and ruins religious establishments. It is not always clear what grand schemes the Black Network have in mind, but it is certainly clear they covet most they can see from their impenetrable fortress and seek to burn the rest.

There is a particularly nasty relationship between elves and agents of skull mountain. If ever either side has the pleasure of capturing the other, there will certainly be no mercy given. The Moonblooded have always argued the the threat of the Drow is greater than any other, but most elves believe Skull Mountain (and by extension, the Black Network) are their worst threat. Most of the time, it is hard to argue that they're wrong.


...to be continued.

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Ersun amusedly follows Ren around in the room. He is not sure coming here was the best course of action, but so be it, he will see.

He inspects the room a bit, taking in the feeling of surfacer quarters. He inhales the smell of woody furniture and rainy air, and finds it most ecxoting.

He sighs, finds a place to sit, and watches the events unfold.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Clean this place up!

[COLOR=0000] Bill turns to Jabbar, a look of surprise on his face; [/COLOR]"A Wererat? Here? Why do I have the feeling that this wasn't planned, either? I'd say this Aust fellow has some explaining to do. Is he merely an acquaintance, or a trusted comrade?"

Bill looks around the room, hoping to find some vinegar. "Do you have any vinegar? We must wash the floor thoroughly, and we need to do it NOW."

~By the soul of my father, I have never before lived through a day as convoluted and as confused as this one. To where is all of this intrigue going to lead? And when is it all going to end?~

It is at this moment that Bill has a startling realization, as he remembers Jabbar's words!

[sblock="Jabbar's words"]Jabbar: Looks irritable as he glances at the elf, also whispering so he is not overheard by Vadik. "A purposeful Misdirection? We arranged no such thing. Aust was told to stay put and guard Vadik's accomplice. Nothing more. Whatever has him yelling is certainly not planned."[/sblock]

"Wait," Bill whispers to Jabbar,"Vadik's accomplice was a Wererat? Is Vadik a Wererat also?" Bill asks.
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Aletia, Kayote

Aletia raised her vessel, nodded, and said "to Vallio! May his early end not be in vain."

Whilst the heat of Tejj burned her lips, throat, and then her empty gut, she took the seat which had been offered and did her best to ignore the flame-churned pain. She wasn't sure if it was the effects of the brew, but she swore she heard Crez hissing in the recess of her mind.
~Athiasssss, the drow ssssslayer.~

As Kayote opened up to her she became fully absorbed in the old warrior's anecdotes and memories. It seemed an element of trust was already forming between the two, indeed the story of Hadus'Mento really got her attention.

"That, Master Burlock, is indeed the Vallio I knew. A man who would be so unusual as to wish to speak with a dragon, and a man so bold as to think it as possible. It seems I owe you more than your friendship Sir, as indeed without you by his side, things maybe indeed have been very much... different."

She listened on, ears pricking up in that true elvish way, hanging onto every nuance of the man's words that might bring her knowledge, or clues of a path to tread.

"What became of Omar in the end? Is he still in your service Sir?"

"Yes," the young elf simply replied, dropping her eyes to the floor for a moment in thought. Yes, Aletia was young and oft too keen, yet she was far from "dim". Just as it was right now with Kayote, people had a knack for opening up to her... revealing things which should remain unsaid. Even though her time in this land had been limited, her prying thoughts, ability to "overhear" and sweet demanding gaze had already cracked open information she at first thought of no consequence.

The expression she gave the old warrior at the end of his stories was one of understanding, a silent knowing appreciation of to what he'd referred, "the Black Network."

"Master Burlock, to this very day I have walked the earth as an observer, a neutral soul who sought only to find peace and be gracious with all that surrounds. This, Vallio taught me, to follow my heart and make as little or as much of life as I alone chose. Yet now truly "alone", I must confide in you of my horrible dreams, of my constant sense of watching eyes, of a beast which lingers in my shadows till it tears me asunder. With my family and Vallio now taken into the dark, with this endless feeling that I am hunted, like some last link in a chain to cut... I stand here perhaps, ready to serve, to make some small difference."

"Many in my position would choose but two fates, to run and wither in grief and loss till the end of their days, or to swear vengeance, and with sword drawn fall quickly into a foul dark trap. No. Of neither do I wish to partake. Master Burlock, I will walk this earth under moonlit skies for the sake of peace, yet should my lady Sehanine Moonbow's needs show a path to the dark, to drow, to those who kick life like dust to the breeze, then I shall with pride cast burning light into their black soulless eyes. Until then, until this dark beast has the courage to show himself and lay challenge, I will prepare. I will do everything I can to be ready for that day, in body, in skill, in soul, and in here."

Aletia tapped a finger to her forehead, indicating that of all her needs, knowledge was the most prized.

"By serving you Master Burlock in ways you see fit, I do believe that I can help you with your business, your enemies and errands. In return I shall learn and squeeze the strength of insight from this black-plagued land, and when my time comes, succeed or fall, I will have done all and beyond that which I could ever have been expected."

"To you no doubt I appear as just a youngling with wide open eyes and unscarred flesh. Indeed, I have much to learn of battle, of the evil that lurks in our midst, but death I now know well, well enough to stare in the face. In time to come you will no doubt know of what I can and can't do, but for now let me say this..."

"I am not one to charge into battle and take chances with blade, but, should you need someone quiet and light of feet, to watch thine enemies with patience, to deliver information, then I tell you now that these, every single one, is at your ready."

Aletia slowly slid half a shaft of arrow from a quiver at her back, before revealing, "Daughter to a fletcher and craftsman you see, each shaft balanced by hand, each point honed to the precision of mine own hand, and each one ready to make its demand. I believe also that perhaps your fair daughter and I share a bond, a touch with the arcane, and ways to present foes with troubles not to be underestimated."

"When the time comes, and duty calls, I stand ready for you Master Burlock, be it now, tomorrow, or some future day. Strand by strand, piece by piece, I wish to watch the drow, their networks, their alliances, all that troubles you, all that caused Vallio's suffering, all that took my family from me, will fall to pieces, or I will die honorably, beneath the moon trying, and either way to Sehanine shall I return."

[Knowledge (Streetwise) = 21]

Kayote regards you with a pensive look, recalling days long gone that still trouble him.

"Omar is gone, slain in his sleep about ten years ago, right about the time my three sons were murdered." He remarks sorrowfully "The Black Network was responsible for all of it!" he says reaching for one of his Hobgoblin skulls. "This was chief Gut, of the Three Skulls Warband. He arranged ambushes for two of my boys..." He says gritting his teeth with veins are popping out on his forehead.

"The poor lads didn't stand a chance! At first I didn't have a clue how they knew our trade routes so accurately? After their funerals, I went a bit berserk, interrogating my own trading partners and business associates trying to find a traitor among them. Eventually I did find a mole, a half-orc guard who informed me about the whereabouts of the Three Skulls Warband after several days of torture."

"With that knowledge in mind I teamed up with Omars son Kadar (who obviously desired vengeance as much as I did). Together we led a combined force of my guards and his mercenaries against the Hobgoblins. After four bloody skirmishes in the span of a year, I finally had a chance to slay this chief." He says staring into the empty eye sockets with great satisfaction
before he whirls about and hurls the skull into the hearth so it shatters against the stone. His poor cats immediately dart away into the corners with fright.

"Sadly for me, my time away from home campaigning against those evil humanoids left my own household vulnerable. My last and youngest son died defending his sister from a Black Network assassin who'd already killed his mother infiltrating these very chambers!" He states with great regret. "...His death was the last straw for me. I kept close to home ever since attempting to keep Rhea safe. She's the only blood I have left!" he sighs returning to his seat.

"The Black Network has a price on our heads that keeps us shut-inside and on our toes. Much as I appreciate your gesture of service I'm afraid my fighting days are behind me." He states with great reservation. "Some years ago I might have agreed to use you in some capacity, but now I'm not so sure there's anything I can do? The network is too big and coordinated to be defeated easily. To really have a chance of harming their operations, we need greater insight into their organization and future plans." He says matter-of-factly pouring his glass full again.

"I lost most of my contacts when I abandoned my trading ventures. Only Jabbar and I still keep in touch, meeting once a week to share news and information. That old smuggler always keeps and ear to the ground about rumors on what the Network is up too. In truth your efforts may be better served helping him..." He suggests. "Understand my wealth means nothing to me anymore. I'd give it all away to have my sons back!"

He states with clear heartbreak, yet adds more steel in his voice as he says. "Vallio was like a brother to me. His death must be avenged! I know my days are numbered now, but I'd rather go out with my hands around an enemies throat! I'm sure I can manage one more good kill..." He states with a bloodthirsty gleam in his eye.

[Aletia: What do you do?]



Aletia: More nails in the coffin

Kayote regards you with a pensive look, recalling days long gone that still trouble him.

Aletia had stoked Kayote's fire it seemed, as the angry old warrior recounted a bloody, violent and tragic family history. It didn't appear an attempt to one-up or belittle Aletia's dreary past, no, instead it was as though they shared a bond now, personal scars that would never fully heal.

...my three sons were murdered.
"I am so sorry Master Burlock," Aletia responded, her tone sorrowful and direct. From there she let Kayote deliver his sad tale, his dark frustrations, and his unsatiated desires for revenge, all without interruption. Except of course for the tossing of the skull.

"...I finally had a chance to slay this chief." He says staring into the empty eye sockets with great satisfaction before he whirls about and hurls the skull into the hearth so it shatters against the stone.

She did her best to conceal her surprise at this outburst, this wanton destruction of what once must have been a prized trophy and symbolic ornament of sweet justice. Aletia recoiled a touch, a flinch showing on her face as she made a step backwards out of the path of debris.

Only Jabbar and I still keep in touch, meeting once a week to share news and information. That old smuggler always keeps and ear to the ground about rumors on what the Network is up too. In truth your efforts may be better served helping him...

"I deeply appreciate your trust in me Master Burlock, that you would consider me as an aid for Jabbar. Yes. If it serves you, and our purpose, then with your blessing I would wish to meet the man and see if he might value my loyalty and service. If you would be able to facilitate a meeting, I would be most grateful."

"If it causes no trouble for you, and there is a place for me here, may I be as bold as to request lodgings with your family, and at times when Jabbar has no errands for me, then I will commit that idle time to doing what I can here, and offering an extra quiver and blade in protection of Rhea, of what remains? You are as close as I have to true family now, and I shall value your lives and safety as such. I swear it."

The young elf fell to one knee and looked up to Kayote as if seeking final deliberation and confirmation that their deal was now set within stone.

With a sly smirk she added, "I look forward to smashing more skulls with you Sir. I very much doubt that Gut will be our last."
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Alic, Bax, Ordechai, Svexyn, Wrenwil

Svexyn's grip on his coin is almost to the point of breaking his skin, as the healing washes over him at the same time his vision clears. His breath is exhaled, as he realizes he must have been holding it in for that whole time in his vision. As he looks up, he recognizes the old mean; a healer from the group before.

With a whisper, Svexyn nods quietly at the healer, a silent thanks for the blessing. "You can save your healing for now... don't waste them yet.."

Adding quietly, "The age of mankind is nearing it's end... Angul spawn spread across the seas.. the old halls of the mountains of dwarves now hold armies raised by demons.. dark elves plot to take over the world.. It has been seen, and noted, and we must change these terrors... This has been foretold by the slumbering giant beneath the sands."

Looking up at the older man, he half asks, and half states the obvious, "Alone, we will fail... the Quresh are deceiving.. The ambush was done by that damned assassin Drassus and his Hobgoblin Assassins along with the Dire Jackals. The others weren't as lucky, if you call it luck, as I was..."

He grips his spiked chain, wrapping it around his forearm as he looks around quickly. "I have been warned of what would come, if we don't stop this VulDrake, the demons, the Angul spawn, and the dark elves. Alone, we will fall. Together, we stand a chance."

He glances at the remains of his companions, adding, "Some will not make this journey... but none will succeed if we don't try... who will stand and fight, and who will hide?"

Standing tall, he exits the wreckage, walking towards the direction that the healer came from and the others stand. "They killed my friends. Drassus. His hobgoblin assassins. The dire jackals. They will all die..."

Your speech prompts open mouth's and raised brows from the others. There is an awkward silence, until...

Bax: -Speaking common- "The Kobold deserved to die. He didn't keep his master safe!" He quips

icks the ornery goblin face first into the sand. "Sorry!" he grunts apologetically to Svexyn.

Alic: -Speaking to Svexyn- "What do you mean by the slumbering giant beneath the sands?"

Ordechai: "Nevermind that, delusions and visions are expected from a man who just rose from the dead!" The one-eyed Barossan comments matter-of-factly.

Alic: "Why is Kryslogious is out there, with those butchers?!" he asks angrily.

Ordechai: "I hope for our sake he's merely playing along to glean some information, as Wrenwil surmises. Either way, Kryslogious' fate is in his own hands now. We must look after ourselves. I know of a cave, not too far from here, where we might find shelter.

"What sort of cave?"

"A smugglers refuge."

Alic: Spits "I thought that cursed inn was supposed to be a smugglers refuge!"

Bax: Picks himself up, spitting sand from his mouth. -Speaking Goblin-
"Master! You said no more kicking!" he complains.

Ordechai: -Answers Bax speaking Goblin-
"Ready the hogs! Don't bother with the goods, only our hides matter now. We break-camp immediately. "

Bax: Rushes to do as he is bid.

"Actually Alic, independent smugglers worth their salt don't trust anyone, the Quresh least of all! Their inn serves a useful purpose, but it's not the only place we choose to do business in these parts."

Alic: "Those dire jackals can track our scent for miles, why bother running? I say we stand and fight!"

Ordechai: "I know a few tricks to mask our scent. Besides, I'm sacrificing my hogs and sending them off with Bax. That should lead them off our trail for a while at least."

[Svexyn, Wrenwil: What do you do?]

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Wrenwil: Evil is confirmed

With a whisper, Svexyn nods quietly at the healer, a silent thanks for the blessing. "You can save your healing for now... don't waste them yet.."

Adding quietly, "The age of mankind is nearing it's end... Angul spawn spread across the seas.. the old halls of the mountains of dwarves now hold armies raised by demons.. dark elves plot to take over the world.. It has been seen, and noted, and we must change these terrors... This has been foretold by the slumbering giant beneath the sands."

Looking up at the older man, he half asks, and half states the obvious, "Alone, we will fail... the Quresh are deceiving.. The ambush was done by that damned assassin Drassus and his Hobgoblin Assassins along with the Dire Jackals. The others weren't as lucky, if you call it luck, as I was..."

He grips his spiked chain, wrapping it around his forearm as he looks around quickly. "I have been warned of what would come, if we don't stop this VulDrake, the demons, the Angul spawn, and the dark elves. Alone, we will fall. Together, we stand a chance."

He glances at the remains of his companions, adding, "Some will not make this journey... but none will succeed if we don't try... who will stand and fight, and who will hide?"

Standing tall, he exits the wreckage, walking towards the direction that the healer came from and the others stand. "They killed my friends. Drassus. His hobgoblin assassins. The dire jackals. They will all die..."

The old cleric was pleased that Pentos saw fit to heal the man, yet wondered if the gift of life was as much a curse, as death itself. How unusual that the wretch had survived? Wrenwil made a mental note that this stranger was clearly gifted in some way, and probably was not to be underestimated.

Then the words rang hard and true, expanding a grim reality that the cleric was struggling to chew on. VulDrake, demons, dark this, evil that. It aligned with his earlier visions and all manner of events that had transpired during these last few days. This crispy-skinned fellow knew things. Valuable things.

Wrenwil nodded respectfully to Svexyn, and led him to Ordechai and Alic, who both seemed to be deep in conversation and weaving up a scheme.

Placing a hand on each of Ordechai and Alic's shoulders, Wrenwil leaned forwards to deliver some words.

"It seems we have another colleague. This man speaks things which Pentos would also have me know. Like you, he is brave of voice, perhaps a worthy companion? After all, our numbers are somewhat discouraging yes? I do not trust him, no not fully, but of all the darkness that surrounds us, I would like to see this man through unbiased eyes, an innocent soul until proven otherwise. He does after all, owe us now yes?"

Waving a dusty wrinkled hand in the ash-laden air, Wrenwil beckoned the newcomer forth.

"Stranger, I solemnly agree to your proposal of togetherness, to stand and fight."

~So much bloody standing and fighting lately, *sigh* Oh how I live for the day someone proposes a fine bed and the tickle of a maiden's feather.~

"However, these men beside me, nor I for that matter, will be wasting our lives on seeking vengeance this night. Should you wish to charge the adversaries who laid you to waste, then by all means, we will not stop you."

He pointed off into the darkness. Somewhere out there, the Knight and the scum would be getting down to business.

"If instead, you wish to take a breath, trade information with us, and plan their demise on some future day, by OUR means, then should these fine men agree..."

Wrenwil looked to Alic and Ordechai, seeking a symbol of their reassurance or objections.

"...then perhaps we should remain together, and move on, and survive the night. Right now, I believe the knowledge we can share is more valuable, than the blood of jackals or Herrod-tainted excrement."

Ordechai: "I know a few tricks to mask our scent. Besides, I'm sacrificing my hogs and sending them off with Bax. That should lead them off our trail for a while at least."

~Oh hell, it's not just the hogs he's sacrificing... One minute he's thieving from my pack, the next minute he's saving my life.~

"Ordechai, I have great faith in your plan, and respect for your willingness to offer up a distraction. I am with you. Come friends, this is no time to stand about, we must hurry out of here whilst time still allows. We have much to discuss, but let us do it later, somewhere safe. Our lives are in more danger than I dare openly recant."

Wrenwil winked to Ordechai, a notion of thanks and great appreciation for this possible solution. The prospect of a cave and smugglers was definitely an upgrade on this charred and blood stained murder-site.

[sblock=Wrenwil Stats]
WRENWIL - a tough old boot on a terrible holiday

4, Init 2, HP 20/27, Speed 30
AC 15, Touch 13, Flat-footed 13, Fort 6, Ref 3, Will 10, Base Attack Bonus 3
Masterwork Staff +7 to hit (d6+3)
Spells: 4/5/3
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Aust Thale, Chuth

~ Chuth. What an unfortunate name. ~
Aust smiles at this half-breed, wondering what criminal union spawned this pitiful being. Half-elves, particularly Akhenatens, were beautiful creatures. On more than one occasion he had found himself “in polite company” with such a fair maiden. This fellow’s aesthetics ranked up there with his concern for his men.

The few drawings Aust had seen of the drow depicted them as stunningly beautiful, magically inclined, but without exception engaged in a scene of torture, depravity, or obscenity. Aust’s parents lamented him as having an unhealthy interest in the drow. He receive that trait honestly, in his mind. Religiously, albeit most quietly, they remained sanguine about the drow among elvenkin. Lolth was evil, yes, but as a function of her estrangement from Archaeos. She was a wayward daughter, and were she to make her way back to her father over the centuries, even millennia, they saw the faintest evidence of hope. Of redemption.

Aust had always humored their religious quirkiness. However, his view was that whatever motivated the gods and demi-gods to be in this mood or have that cause, it was not some familial relationship gone awry. They were gods. To ascribe mortal emotion to their decision-making was silly. It would mean that Lolth was cruel and capricious due to some adolescent apoplectic row with her father? Aust wasn’t the wisest of elves, but that drivel was goblin-dung. Lolth was as evil and cruel as this Chuth fellow was ugly. To sell it any other way was ass-clownish.

Aust was intrigued with the drow for the same reasons he was intrigued by anything else. They were artistic, proud of their magic and their elven craft, and despite their destructive nature, they had fortitude. Despite being clearly an unhealthy vice, Aust coveted their magic and their craft; that was reason enough for him to remain interested.

~ Well met, Chuth. ~
As Chuth gathers his crossbow, in a single motion, Aust primes his bow and silently nocks an arrow.

Initiative: 1d20+3 = 11
If Aust wins initiative, he fires an arrow as sneak attack (rolls below); if he does not win initiative, he whistles at the drow as an early action to draw him off of his targets. The whistle is similar to the noise a whistling projectile would make, but a tad louder. And as Chuth pauses or turns, he will launch his arrow.

Attack Roll: 1d20+6 = 16 (used 2 fate points to get better roll 1d20+6 = 8 & then 16; use 16) <edited to add 2nd re-roll>

As you knock your arrow and draw your bow it is clear to you that you are not quite fast enough to aim your arrow before the half drow will pull the trigger of his crossbow... thus you commit an early action and whistle first, distracting Chuth and giving you another half a moment to aim before you let your arrow fly before he can aim his crossbow at you.

[Note:Committing an early action changes the form of that action. Speaking is normally a free action, but speaking as an early action is considered a 'switft' action. Likewise, attacking early (out of phase with your initiative) increases an normal attack action to a full-attack action. Thus you will not have a move action after you fire your arrow.]

Your arrow hits Chuth in his abdomen, prompting an immediate groan and a flinch, (-1 to all his checks) but also an immediate counter-attack! He has no issue spotting your silhouette easily in the dark and the damp with his darkvision, especially since you purposely made a noise immediately preceding your attack. Crossbow bolts that were intended for the other thugs now fire towards you! (I will be generous and assume you are firing from a position of cover granting you a +4 to your AC)

  1. Light Repeating Crossbow First Attack: =26, Hit)(Location: Left hand)(Damage: =6 + Poison)
  2. Light Repeating Crossbow Second Attack: = 21, Hit)(Location: Left Arm)(Damage: = 8 + Poison)

You feel terrible pain as a bolt pierces your left hand between your knuckles, pinning your hand to the bow itself! The second bold embeds itself into your left forearm. As your heart races at the realization of your wounds, you also feel a terrible tingling/burning sensation creeping through your veins. His bolts are poisoned!

[Aust: Make two Saving Throws vs. Poison, both DC 16. Also, you suffer a -2 to all checks while you still have two arrows embedded into your flesh. (See House Rules on the Sion wiki page if you are unsure what checks are required to remove the arrows) However, because of your early actions, you will have to wait until next round to attempt to remove them.]

Chuth: Moves closer towards you cautiously (5 ft step), although he can't identify exactly who you are until you step away from cover. His finger remains on the trigger of his crossbow as he asks -Speaking Common in a hiss- "Show yourself!"

[Aust: Roll a new initiative for round 2, given that your former initiative roll was for a surprise attack and you are now both wounded. It changes things enough to warrant another initiative check.]

Meanwhile, the two thugs Chuth was aiming at are now being surrounded and tackled by the town guards. You successfully managed to save their lives... for what it's worth.

[Aust: Gain a bonus Fate Point for acting so bravely & selflessly]


Avar, Billanverthorne, Burrai, Elloral, Ersun, Jabbar, Ren

Billanverthorne said:
[COLOR=0000] Bill turns to Jabbar, a look of surprise on his face; [/COLOR]"A Wererat? Here? Why do I have the feeling that this wasn't planned, either? I'd say this Aust fellow has some explaining to do. Is he merely an acquaintance, or a trusted comrade?"

Jabbar: Looks frustrated. "Aust is my partner in the smuggling trade, a gray elf with a penchant for getting in trouble!!" he sighs.

Billanverthorne said:
Bill looks around the room, hoping to find some vinegar. "Do you have any vinegar? We must wash the floor thoroughly, and we need to do it NOW."

Jabbar: Moves to a cabinet and removes a corked jug of vinegar. Ren the rhat snatches it and begins to scrub the floor with it.

Billanverthorne said:
~By the soul of my father, I have never before lived through a day as convoluted and as confused as this one. To where is all of this intrigue going to lead? And when is it all going to end?~

It is at this moment that Bill has a startling realization, as he remembers Jabbar's words!

[sblock="Jabbar's words"]Jabbar: Looks irritable as he glances at the elf, also whispering so he is not overheard by Vadik. "A purposeful Misdirection? We arranged no such thing. Aust was told to stay put and guard Vadik's accomplice. Nothing more. Whatever has him yelling is certainly not planned."[/sblock]

"Wait," Bill whispers to Jabbar,"Vadik's accomplice was a Wererat? Is Vadik a Wererat also?" Bill asks.

Ren: Glances up from his scrubbing, obviously distraught at Billanverthorne's notion. "Impossible! I would have smelled the corruption in the cowards blood!"

Jabbar: Scratches at his beard worryingly. "I wonder what Vadik meant when he said 'very soon now, these streets will belong to Noro!' ...I assumed it was the ranting delusions of a lickspit in service to a fool... but perhaps we've underestimated them?"

Elloral: Moves her hand in the gesture of sanctity according to Valkauna. (Casts detect evil) "I sense evil!"

Jabbar: "From the wererat?"

Elloral: "No the wererat was not so wicked or powerful to leave an imprint like this, what I sense is... a lingering aura of dark, divine magic... from an unholy magic item perhaps? Something it carried and used against your partner I would expect?"

Jabbar: Frowns. "Aust has really gotten himself into it this time! I can only hope he still lives since there is no trace of his blood here."

[Billanverthorne, Burrai, Ersun: What do you do?]


Aletia, Kayote

Aletia said:
Aletia had stoked Kayote's fire it seemed, as the angry old warrior recounted a bloody, violent and tragic family history. It didn't appear an attempt to one-up or belittle Aletia's dreary past, no, instead it was as though they shared a bond now, personal scars that would never fully heal.

"I am so sorry Master Burlock," Aletia responded, her tone sorrowful and direct. From there she let Kayote deliver his sad tale, his dark frustrations, and his unsatiated desires for revenge, all without interruption. Except of course for the tossing of the skull.

She did her best to conceal her surprise at this outburst, this wanton destruction of what once must have been a prized trophy and symbolic ornament of sweet justice. Aletia recoiled a touch, a flinch showing on her face as she made a step backwards out of the path of debris.

"I deeply appreciate your trust in me Master Burlock, that you would consider me as an aid for Jabbar. Yes. If it serves you, and our purpose, then with your blessing I would wish to meet the man and see if he might value my loyalty and service. If you would be able to facilitate a meeting, I would be most grateful."

"If it causes no trouble for you, and there is a place for me here, may I be as bold as to request lodgings with your family, and at times when Jabbar has no errands for me, then I will commit that idle time to doing what I can here, and offering an extra quiver and blade in protection of Rhea, of what remains? You are as close as I have to true family now, and I shall value your lives and safety as such. I swear it."

The young elf fell to one knee and looked up to Kayote as if seeking final deliberation and confirmation that their deal was now set within stone.

With a sly smirk she added, "I look forward to smashing more skulls with you Sir. I very much doubt that Gut will be our last."

Kayote: Takes a deep draught of his Tejj and nearly chokes on it at your last comment. "Such strong words from a lady! You remind me of my daughter." He comments matter-of-factly. "She's hardened as much as I have from the loss of our family. You have that in common with her, I can sense it..." He says sadly, regarding the flames in the hearth thoughtfully. "Without loved ones, we have much in common with the evils we hate. Once I sat here and told stories to my sons. Now I only brood on how much I failed them." He says irritably. "If you take any advice from a bitter old drunk its this... don't start a family! Not here in this cursed land they call the Kingdom of Vulkh anyway." He scowls.

"Speaking of family, you asked for more details about my family history. My bloodline hails back to a famous Gallian explorer. Burlock-the-brave they called him, who circled the world and discovered several new lands. King Barossa himself spoke of him as an inspiration when he came to settle on Akhenaten. I admit I also had his spirit in mind when I decided to move further inland."

"It is true I managed to strike it rich, but my real desire was establishing a more humble homestead my children could be proud of. I should have known I could not expect success without cost. Those with means attract the worst enemies. The Black Network wanted to ruin me because of Omar. Mercenaries like that were too effective at curbing their raids against the smaller merchant caravans. The Black Network dealt with Omar with an assassins blade, but their real target was striking against my family."

"They knew I could find another skilled mercenary to replace Omar easily enough, so breaking my will was their next move. However, now that Rhea is old enough to look after herself, I feel inclined to fulfill my vengeance against whoever was giving the orders and making plans against me in the first place!"

[Aletia: What do you do?]
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