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What Conversions Shall We Do Next?


I would gladly help out with whatever I can. My only concern is that I am nowhere near as good at converting monsters as you guys are. My conversions usually only consist of adding class levels or a template to NPCs, or using a similar existing 3.5 monster and slightly tweaking it to represent the 2e monster I want to use. Even then, I don't know how accurate my conversions are.

I'm not sure I would be of much help in this department and I wouldn't even know where to begin. But please let me know what I can do to help and I will give it a shot.

The Kamerel is probably the easiest. The Taker of Life & Dark Dweller might be the hardest. They span an entire demiplane but are only encountered in smaller single sections. So I don't know if you stat the entire creature out, or just a portion of it the way they do in the book.

There is also the Hanim, but I didn't mention it because the book lists them as Human. Yet, all Hanim allow the Valgoss to use them as hosts which gives the Hanim the ability to transfer their minds into another Hanim body. This makes the Hanim act sort of like an entire community full of individuals with multiple personalities. I wasn't sure if this qualifies the Hanim as something other than just a Human. The host of a Valgoss receives a permanent loss of HP and Charisma, but the Hanim are immune to this effect. So maybe they have a human subtype?

There are also other monsters in the book that aren't on Oryan's request list, such as the Lesser Kyton. I'll try to compile a complete list and post it, assuming I can find the time.

Yeah I noticed that. I am still not finished going through the book. So I will list any other creatures I find that do not appear on Echohawk's index. I think I found a few creatures from other Planescape sources (like Dead Gods) that also don't appear in Echohawk's index. I can give him my list of planar monsters if he wants to cross reference it.

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Extradimensional Explorer
Well, it's all really art, anyway, and you should see how much Cleon and I bicker discuss these conversions anyway. ;) I guess my point is that it's just a small extension of what you've already been doing, and we work collaboratively anyway. So we're glad to have another voice. And glad to have you aboard!

I suspect we should think about the Hanim whenever we get to the Valgoss.


Shirokinukatsukami fan
Kamerel pg. 110
Taker of Life pg. 49
Dark Dweller pg. 50
Valgoss pg. 48
Slaiyith pg. 48
Maturing Baatorian pg. 127
Shard pg. 15
Silver Golem pg. 15

Also, none of these seem to be in [MENTION=9849]Echohawk[/MENTION]'s index, so maybe he should take a look at them.
Look duly taken! The shard was updated and renamed to sliver angel in Dragon 353, but all of the others were indeed missing from my index and seemingly unconverted.

Aside: I could have sworn that there was at least one other example of a baatorian with stats somewhere, but it seems not.

Another aside: Yay! New creatures ;)


The shard was updated and renamed to sliver angel in Dragon 353,

On page 68 of Dragon 353, under the Ecology section of the Celestial Sliver, it says, "Some have confused slivers with the shards......but they lack both the power and stature of those awesome beings.


Shirokinukatsukami fan
On page 68 of Dragon 353, under the Ecology section of the Celestial Sliver, it says, "Some have confused slivers with the shards......but they lack both the power and stature of those awesome beings.
Yeah, but compare the Dragon 353 entry with page 44 of Bestiary of the Realms, Volume 2 by the same (co-)author. Those are clearly exactly the same creatures as in Dragon 353.

I think the implication of "some have confused sliver with the shards" is that Tales from the Infinite Staircase was wrong to call the celestial slivers encountered outside Argentil "shards", and that that name should be reserved only for the "seven mighty planetars Selûne also keeps in her service". Hence the "shards" from TftIS were renamed to something more appropriate in Dragon 353.

The "shards" in TftIS are definitely not an equivalent power level to planetars, but they are about the same power level as the slivers, so I'm confident they are the same creatures.


Ah, ok that makes sense. So TftIS is using "Celestial Slivers" rather than actual "Shards". So the Shards are just Planetars with some class levels or something? "Shard" is the name of the group of Planetars and not the name of a type of creature?


Shirokinukatsukami fan
Yes, that's exactly what I took away from comparing those three sources.

I haven't allocated any skill points to Realmslore, so I don't know much about Selûne, but Faiths & Avatars has this to say:

"Selûne is served by the Shards, a group of shining female servitors. The Shards can grow wings or banish them as they desire and have long, flowing blue hair and pearly-white skin. They are in reality planetars."

So maybe the shards aren't even planetars with class levels, but just planetars with a special dress code?

Voidrunner's Codex

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