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Adventure: Get Me to the Church on Time (DM: BenBrown, Judge: Renau1g)


First Post
Goldenhorn, though driven by natural caution to stay behind his tree, cannot resist the opening provided when Tyris engages the hobgoblin leader and charges out of cover, bellowing loudly. Lowering his horns, he hits his opponent full in the chest, knocking him down at Tyris's feet.

[sblock=actions]Move: to K6

Standard: Charge to G11. goring charge vs AC (+2 flank, +1 charge), Boss; damage
12(1d20) +9 +2 +1 = 24; 2(1d6) +4 = 6
. Hits for 6 damage and the boss is knocked prone.

Remember that attack rolls on the boss are at +1 while Goldenhorn is adjacent to him.[/sblock]
[sblock=Goldenhorn]Ingvar Goldenhorn Male Minotaur Cleric|Runepriest 3
Initiative: +1, Passive Perception: 17, Passive Insight: 15, Senses: Normal
AC:19, Fort:15, Reflex:12, Will:17
HP:11/37, Bloodied:18, Surge Value:9, Surges left:8/10
Action Points: 0
Righteous Brand
Word of Binding

Goring Charge
Divine Glow
Beacon of Vengeance
Healing Word
Rune of Mending
Second Wind

Moment of Glory
Shield of Sacrifice

Conditions: bloodied, rune state of destruction

Rune State of Destruction: Allies gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls against enemies that are adjacent to me.
Rune State of Protection: While adjacent to me, allies gain resist 2 to all damage.

Defiant Word: Whenever an enemy misses Goldenhorn with an attack, he gains a +4 (non-cumulative) bonus to damage rolls against that enemy until the end of his next turn.

Full sheet: Goldenhorn[/sblock]

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Zardi steps out from behind the tent and runs flat out towards the boss, bringing his axe down onto the prone hobgoblin.[sblock=Actions]Move: K12
Standard: Charge - Charge attack vs. Boss (1d20+9+2+1+1=23, 1d12+1d6+6=17) Hit for 17 damage
(+2 for prone, +1 for charging, +1 for Goldenhorn being adjacent)[/sblock][sblock=Stats]Zardi - Goliath Barbarian 3
Initiative: +1, Passive Perception: 11, Passive Insight: 11, Senses: Normal vision
AC:17, Fort:18, Reflex:11, Will:13
Melee Basic Attack Fey Strike Greataxe: +9 vs AC, 1d12 +6 damage (When charging, add 1d6 damage from Howling Strike)
Ranged Basic Attack Throwing Hammer: +8 vs AC, 1d6+5 damage
HP:26+3/42, Bloodied:21, Surge Value:12, Surges left:7/11
Action Points: 0, Second Wind: un-used
Powers: Howling Strike, Pressing Strike, Rageblood Vigor, Rampage
[-]Stone's Endurance[/-], [-]Feral Might: Swift Charge[/-], [-]Great Cleave[/-], Combat Sprint, Blood Strike
Bloodhunt Rage

Conditions: none[/sblock]
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First Post
OOC: GM: Spider's hp should be at 36: Mewness Healing was HS(9) + 10 and Spider's SW is another HS(9) for a total of 28 healing that round.

All, despite huge damage potential that round (avg: 33, max: 53), the boss still has 1 hp left.

Spider follows the archer, but charges the wounded boss. He drives the full blade into the boss, twisting the weapon viciously, yet when he yanks the weapon out, somehow, the boss still stands. "Issa ya somkinna undead?!"

[sblock=Action Block, Mini-Stats]

[sblock=Action Block]

to K16
Minor: Berserker's Charge Stance
Standard: Charge MBA

  • Target: Boss (end at: H13)
  • Attack: 1d20+13=
  • Damage: 1d12+9+1d8= (+1d12 +1d8 on crit)
[/sblock][sblock=Spider Stat block]Jarro 'Spider' Sarak - Male Half-Orc Slayer 3
Initiative: +5, Passive Perception: +11, Passive Insight: +11


AC: 18, Fort: 19, Reflex: 15, Will: 12 -- Speed: 6 (+2 Charging)

Superior Fortitude Feat: resist 3 to ongoing damage

HP: 36/39, THP: 0/5 Bloodied: 19, Surge Value: 9, Surges left: 7/10
Action Points: 0/1, Second Wind: not used

Basic Attacks:
:bmelee: Basic Melee Attack: +10 vs AC - Vanguard Fullblade +1 1d12+9 (Crit: +1d12 +1d8)
:ranged: Ranged Basic Attack: +9 vs AC - Dagger 1d4+8

MBA, Charge MBA, RBA, Berserker's Charge Stance, Poised Assault Stance, Pass Forward (Move)
Encounter: Furious Assault, Power Strike #1, Power Strike #2, Half-Orc Resilience
Daily: Vanguard Weapon Daily

1 Vanguard Fullblade +1 1d12
1 Dagger 1d4

[/sblock][sblock=Spider's Journal]
1. Lord Adelin Mallaby recruits me and some other adventurers from the Tavern. He asked for protection, on a trip to Allaria. He is to be wed to Elena of Terconis, daughter of the Count of Terconis. According to tradition, the wedding must take place at the ancient chapel of the Terconis family, and the chapel in Count's Crovale lies in the high hills of old Allaria. The lady and the Count are already there.
2. The adventurers board Starlight's Veil, Mallaby's brig. The ship is built for speed, not cargo or battle.
3. Intended Path: Land at Ristaren (100 miles south of Fromish), and make our way up the old highway to here. A mile or two off the highway is the village of Achirem, which is still thriving in the midst of rough country, so they say. From there we cross Derianis ridge, and then down to Crovale. The last part through the hills may be dangerous.
4. We land at Ristaren, and it is a small, poor town.
5. We killed a bunch of spiders.
6. We arrived at Achirem, where Kelvan told us to watch out for:
a. Bramble scar: some kind of trap/pit thing we can't avoid.
b. Hzaka Raiders
c. Ismene: Local robin hood bandit type. Lady, with a band of rugged ladies.
7. Get Jumped, or try to Jump, some Hzaka Raiders.
8. Meet up with Ismene's band, but managed to talk our way through it.
9. Encounter: Angry Bear, Angrier bees, and a hungry frog. Graval got eaten by a frog, but Spider saved him.
10. Meet with Ismene and convince her to give us safe passage if we help her take on a local Goblin raider.
11. Launch surprise attack on Goblin tower. Climb to roof and take out archers. Jump in the tower, and find more hobgoblins.
12. Run in to some creepy mushroom field. Attacked by big mushrooms.
13. Stop to rest in an abandoned (?) charcoal burner's hut.
14. Get to Church: wife/father-in-law sent Lord M on a wild goose chase, and don't want to marry him after all.
15. Find out true love Ismene is kidnapped, and we go to her rescue. Fight a bunch of goblins.

Mista Magi
Lor' Malabee
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First Post
Seeing his original intent of cutting through the back of the tent no longer has any point, Mallaby moves round to the front of the pavilion. Thais holds her position and watches warily for more foes.[sblock=Ally Actions]Lord Mallaby
Double Move: to M14
Standard: Full Defense[/sblock]The archer looks at his sore-beset leader, utters a quick "Sorry, boss," and starts hightailing it down the path away from the group.

The hobgoblin leader scrambles to his feet, and attempts to make a run to follow his companion.
"You'll never take me a-" His taunt is cut off, as the strangler's cord grasps his throat. A quick twist, and the foe falls to the ground, dead.[sblock=Enemy Actions]Bow 46
Move: Run to -A10
Standard->Move: Run to -H10 (9 squares from edge of map)

Move: Stand Up
Standard->Move: to... well, it doesn't matter, as Tyris's OA hits. (Tyris chosen for first OA because he had the highest init back at the start of the fight).[/sblock][sblock=map]

[/sblock][sblock=status]Goldenhorn: G11 HP 11/37, Surges 8/10, AP 0, second wind unused
Spider: H13 HP 36/39, Surges 7/10, AP 0, second wind used, +2 to defenses
Tyris: G13 HP 16/29, Surges 5/7, AP 1, second wind unused
Zardi: H12 HP 26+3/48, Surges 7/11, AP 0, second wind unused

Mallaby: O26 HP 18/26, Surges 5/5, second wind unused
Thais: M14 HP 18/38, Surges 5/5, second wind unused, Full Defense

Bow Hobgoblin 46: -H10 HP 21/39 (9 squares from edge of map)
Hobgoblin Boss: G12 HP 0/46 dead.[/sblock][sblock=NPCs in Combat]This combat is a little different in that there are two NPCs, one of whom is reasonably competent.

Any PC can take a move or minor action to have an NPC perform a move action (or a minor action).
Any PC can take a standard action to have an NPC perform a standard action.

NPCs can take free actions and opportunity actions normally, without the direction of PCs. They are always considered to have their weapons in hand and don’t need to spend actions unsheathing them.

If, in a given round, none of the PCs give instructions to Thais, she will take a single non-offensive action, either a move or total defense.

If, in a given round, none of the PCs give instructions to Lord Mallaby, he will attempt to make his way to the tent, using two move actions--stealthily at first, but in the open once spotted. He's determined to take an active part in this rescue, and going straight for where he thinks Ismene is kept is the best plan. He can, of course, told not to, but unless he's doing something else useful, he'll want to make for the tent.

If either NPC becomes bloodied, that NPC will use Second Wind as a standard action without needing actions on the part of a player.[/sblock][sblock=NPC stats]Lord Adelin Mallaby
HP: 26, Bloodied 13, Surge Value 6
AC: 15, Fort: 12, Ref: 13, Will: 14
Speed 6
Skills: Diplomacy +8, History +6, Stealth +3, Perception +1
:bmelee: Rapier +6 vs. AC, 1d8+4 damage
[o] Second Wind

HP: 38, Bloodied 19, Surge Value 9
AC: 16, Fort: 13, Ref: 14, Will: 15
Skills: Arcana +6, Nature +11, Stealth +3, Perception +4
:bmelee: Staff +7 vs. AC, 1d8+5 damage
Spore Strike Ranged 10 (one creature)
Attack: +5 vs. Will
Hit: 1d4+4 poison damage and the target is blinded until the end of its next turn.
[X] Bramble Patch Area Burst 1 within 10 (all enemies in burst)
Attack: +5 vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d8+5 damage, and the attack creates a zone which lasts until the end of the encounter. Any enemy that starts its turn in the zone takes 3 damage and is slowed.
[X] Tree Step (move action)
Effect: Thais teleports 8 squares.
Requirement: Both the starting square and the target square must be adjacent to trees.
[o] Second Wind[/sblock][sblock=Enemy Stats]Bow Hobgoblin
AC 17, Fort 15, Ref 15, Will 13
Passive Perception 18
:bmelee: Longsword: +8 vs. AC, 1d8+2 damage. (not drawn at present)[sblock=nature 13]Hobgoblin Archer
Level 3 Artillery
medium natural humanoid[sblock=nature 21]When the Archer hits with its longbow, in addition to damage, it grants an ally a +2 bonus to its next ranged attack against the same target.
Hobgoblin Resilience (encounter): When the Archer suffers an effect that a save can end, the Archer can make an immediate saving throw.[/sblock][/sblock][/sblock][sblock=next round]The last remaining foe has fled the field.
Do you want to go after him?[/sblock]
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First Post
Goldenhorn nudges the body with his hoof, but the hobgoblin leader seems well and truly dead. "You should see to Ismene's welfare," he says thickly to Mallaby, before attending to his own wounds, which include an arrow sticking out of his front.


First Post
"Good won, Strangla," Spider said, slapping the mute on the back. Seeing Lord Mallaby close in on the tent, he stopped him.

"Wait Lor' Malabee. Don ya go in dere 'lone."

Minor: move Mallaby to L13
Move: Spider to M14
Standard: move Thais to N14
Free: "I an I git ready, den tchree-lady, ya pull open da flap. If dere be any more 'oblins, I an I kill dem quick, ya 'ear?"


First Post
"I doubt there's any of the enemy left in there," Mallaby says, "but you are right to be cautious."
Mallaby, Thais, and all the mighty warriors gather around the tent, ready to pounce on any foe that emerges. Thais grasps a tent flap and pulls it open.
There are no hobgoblins inside, only three figures, bound and gagged. Two appear to be unconscious, but the third, in the middle of the tent, struggles against her bonds. It is Ismene.
Mallaby enters the tent, draws a short knife from his belt, and cuts the bonds from her wrists, and the dirty rag binding her mouth. She looks up weakly.
"Hello, handsome," she says. "Weren't you supposed to be getting married today?"

"Alas, there was no wedding. I was deceived. I was returning when Thais found us, and we came as quickly as we could. Are you all right?"

Ismene smiles wearily. "I'll do okay."

Thais checks the other two, and pronounces them bruised but alive, and with help gets their bonds undone. They prove to be local villagers, taken unaware by the band. Oddly enough, capturing slaves does not appear to have been the hobgoblin detachment's main object. They must have looted a caravan or an old tomb or something, for there is gold aplenty and several items of interest.


First Post
Ismene and the other freed captives are soon able to travel. The tent is rolled up (it's really too nice to leave), and everyone takes a share of its contents. Going is slow, as the captives are weakened by their ordeal, and the group has to camp one night before reaching safety. Thais conducts a ritual which makes keeping watch easier, but the night is still tense. The following day, the group reaches the safety of the hidden ravine in which Ismene and her company make their headquarters. There, the wounded and the ill (Graval is still in the throes of his fever) take their time to recover, and examine and distribute the treasure that they have found.

"Ismene and I have been through all of the chests and bags those raiders were carrying," Mallaby says. "She believes you should have the choicest items. Thais believes all of these have some enchantment, which will be of a help to you."

"A blade for you, I think, Lord Goldenhorn" he says, producing a well-kept longsword. "and also this." He hands Goldenhorn pendant of sorts, with a large disk, which bears in relief the head of a minotaur over the background of an intricate labyrinth. "An ancestor of yours, perhaps?"

He turns to the goliath. "Master Zardi, I think we've found a set of mail that will fit you," he says. "May it always protect you in battle"

"Master Tyris, a few trinkets." He hands Tyris an amulet in the shape of a shield and a curious length of intertwined chain. "Thais says you will benefit from these."

"For you, Master Sarak, we've found a few items." Ismene hands Spider a pair of gloves and a pair of boots. "Not a matched set, alas, but they're potent enough.

There is also gold to be had, and small valuables, easily carried, and drink for celebration.

Soon, though it is time to leave. The way back from Ismene's camp is uneventful. The group spends the night in Achirem, where they are somewhat dubious about the group's alliance with Ismene, but are gratified at the return of their captive villagers. Then on to the coast, where the Starlight's Veil waits at anchor.

As the voyage back to Daunton nears its end, Mallaby once again shakes the hands of all of his allies.

"My friends," he says, "Soon we will part ways. I, as we have learned, was fooled into making this trip, but I do not regret it at all. Had the wedding gone as I had expected, I would now be married to a snobbish, selfish woman, and have become in all likelihood, a selfish old man myself, like her father, interested only in maintaining my fortune and my position. Now I have seen that there is more for me to do. Though I have not the wealth of some, I still have resources in Daunton, which I now intend to put to good use. Ismene and her followers, and the people of Achirem and other villages around are taming a wilderness, and beating back the darkness that has swallowed the Allarian continent. This will be my task. I will send what aid I can to them, and return myself when I am better prepared.
"But first,"
he produces the box that the eagle dropped on the altar "I will return this to its owner, and thank her for freeing me to find a true purpose, and true friendship. If any of you are in need of help, please feel free to call upon me. Thank you again, my friends."[sblock=rewards]Third and final award of treasure/XP for Get Me to the Church on Time

Prior two awards approved here and here

Encounter #7: 500 XP each
175 “Skittering Corpse Rat Swarm” Skirmisher 4
150 “Sliver Wraith Seeker” Controller 3
300 “Skeletal Archer” Artillery 3 x2
300 “Skulk Zombie” Skirmisher 3 x2
75 “Decrepit Skeleton” Minion 1 x3

Total: 1000 x2 = 2000

Encounter #8: 627 XP each
175 “Hobgoblin Warmonger” Artillery 4
150 “Hobgoblin Warcaster” Controller 3
300 “Hobgoblin Battle Guard” Soldier 3 x2
300 “Hobgoblin Archer” Artillery 3 x2
176 “Hobgoblin Sentry” Minion 4 x4
152 “Hobgoblin Grunt” Minion 3 x4

Total: 1253 x2 = 2506

Major Quest Reward: 300 XP each

3 months, 22 days time XP at level 3 (Goldenhorn, Spider, Zardi): 920 XP
3 months, 4 days time XP at level 2 (Tyris): 648 XP

Farbond Spellblade Longsword +1 (Goldenhorn)
Magic Holy Symbol +1 (Goldenhorn)
Gauntlets of Blood +1 (Spider)
Boots of Adept Charging (Spider)
Abduction Transcendent Ki Focus +1 (Tyris)
Amulet of Protection +1 (Tyris)
Bold Victory Chain Armor +1 (Zardi)
Gold: 435 gp (Goldenhorn)
Gold: 215 gp (Spider)
Gold: 152 gp (Tyris)
Gold: 415 gp (Zardi)

3 months, 22 days time GP at level 3: 942 gp (Goldenhorn, Spider, Zardi)
3 months, 4 days time GP at level 2: 557 gp (Tyris)

Totals: including time XP and gp, and gold from encounters:
(total value of equipment and treasure based on recommended wealth by level guidelines, pro-rated by how far you are along to the next level. With item values added in, this is why the amount is different for each PC)

Goldenhorn: 2347 XP and 1377 gp
Spider: 2347 XP and 1157 gp
Tyris: 2076 XP and 972 gp
Zardi: 2347 XP and 1357 gp

DM (BenBrown) gets 18 DM credits.[/sblock][sblock=ooc]I apologize for the somewhat abrupt "frustrated novelist" of an ending, but wanted to get everything done before I go on vacation on Thursday. It's been a lot of fun, everyone.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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