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[Adventure] The Paper Chase, Part 2 (Judge: renau1g)


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The party manages to defeat the woman, with the aid of Mythra's summoned monster and Alexia's sword pierces the monster behind the base of his neck, deep into it's cerebral cortex, ending its miserable life.

The signs of death and destruction are everywhere, bodies lie about the area, but the adventurer's have repelled the attack.

Kal hits for 10, Grys misses axe, hits Monster, Mythra finishes off the Axe woman(Just!), Alexia kills the beast!

The bowman double runs away....

I'll assume that the party can save Muzdum and Orsik before they fail that many saves.


[sblock=Unlocked Stats]

Monster: 24 AC; 15/17/18 F/R/W
Axe: 19 AC; 21/19/17 F/R/W
Bow 1: 18 AC; 17/??/?? F/R/W
B: 16 AC; 14/??/?? F/R/W
Staff 1: ?? AC; ??/18/19 F/R/W
Big club: 22 AC; 19/17/?? F/R/W
Club: 17 AC; ??/??/?? F/R/W


Grys: 3/49, bloodied,
Alexia: 16/53, bloodied,
Orsik: -1/48, bloodied, prone, dying, 0/3 death saves
Muzdum: 0/62,(until end of encounter Muzdum grants CAto Monster), bloodied, dying, prone, 0/3 death saves
kal'Tarron: 18/50,
Mythra: -6/46, bloodied,
Dretch: 10/23, bloodied,


Monster: -62/60hp, used paralyzing bite, bloodied
Axe: -190/189 hp, bloodied, used Poison Spew,
Bow 1: -33 hp, bloodied
Bow 2: -52 hp, marked (Muzdum), bloodied - Dead
Staff 1: Used Spirit Creepers, -67 hp, bloodied, -2 penalty to attack rolls TE of my NT (Alexia) Dead
Big club: -140hp(144 hp total), Oath'd, used Spinning Club, , bloodied, grants CA TENT - Dead


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"Wow! How did you survive until now if they attacked like this?"
asks Orsik as he comes to. "Everyone alive? Did we get some of them alive?"

OOC: Spending 3 surges to get to full.


First Post
kal'Tarron examines the fallen foes, looking for survivors.

OOC: kal'Tarron spends 3 surges bringing him back to full health

[sblock=Quick Stats]kal'Tarron, Deva Avenger 5 Speaks in Bold Purple[/B
HP 50/50 Temp HP 0 Initiative +3 AC 22, Fort 15, Reflex 18, Will 18 AP 0, Surges 3/8, (12hp)

+1 defense against bloodied creature, Resist 7 Necrotic, Radiant, 5 Posion, Censure of Retribution, Sanguine Vestments +1 (+1 defense when OoE target is bloodied), Amulet of Health +1

Bond of Retribution Radiant Vengeance Avenging Echo Halo of Fire Oath of Emnity Chanel Divinity Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes Bloodclaw Great Axe Aspect of Might Blessing of Vengeance Couter of Second Chances Menacing Presence
Special [/sblock]


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Alexia raises an eyebrow at Muzdum. "Is that necessary? You're alive, he isn't. Shouldn't that be enough?" she asks earnestly. Her eyes then flit down to the body at her feet. "Ah, I seem to be covered your foe's blood. Excuse me." Alexia hurriedly makes her way to a less corpse-filled section of the camp and begins to clean her sword and attire.

ooc: Spend three surges to rise to full hp and fall to 6/10 surges.


OOC: [MENTION=54810]renau1g[/MENTION], can the healers add their bonus to the healing during the short rests? If so, Grys will use up 3 surges, otherwise, he'll need to use up 4 surges.

"I don't know where to begin with this, so I'll just say it bluntly." Grys starts out.

"We had all of this cover and a large camp to spread out in. I asked everyone to spread out before we got attacked and none of you did. You all hung out in the middle of the camp. So, the very first attack by the guy with the staff encompassed all five of you and immobilized three of you. It would have been four if Mythra was unversed in the Shield spell." Grys says.

"That's unacceptable. We cannot be fighting like caricature puppets from the Sharn carnival. We need to take better advantage of our strengths and minimize our weaknesses. If all of you want to commit suicide by being arrogant and doing your own thing and ignoring good advice, you will soon be successful. You got lucky this time, in fact, we all got lucky, but our luck won't hold. We should discuss as a team our individual strengths and consider how we want to approach this problem. Or, we can continue to get into battles where half or more of the team goes unconscious without a discussion. The battle in the tower ended up similar to this one. Our track record in this area is not good."


First Post
OOC: Can we get bard song of rest please? :)

If so Mythra is spending 2 surges.

Mythra was tired and bloodied. He planned on hanging around long enough to get these items he was promised, and then take the next first class coach back to the university to feed the professor to his Dretch. Yes, that would be fun.

I think you missed your calling, you should of been a Psion. Mythra says dryly to Grys.

Now if you are done giving us the lecture of the day, can we get our promised treasure and get out of this nasty, filthy place; filled with far too many Humans...and Dwarfs... and Eladrin!
Mythra Stelwart
Male Eladrin Wizard 6

Medium natural humanoid (Fey)
(+2 to defenses because of Bloodthread armor, +2 second wind)
Initiative +8; Senses Passive Insight 20, Passive Perception 20
HP 45/46hp, Bloodied 23, Surge Value 11, Surges 4/9
AC 20+2; Fortitude 16+2, Reflex 17+2, Will 18+2
Saving Throws +5 vs Charm Effects
Speed 6
Action Points:0

At will:
Chilling Cloud
Beguiling Strands

Ghost Sound
Mage Hand
Mystical Debris

Fey Step
llusory Obstacles
Hypnotic Pattern

Tome of Binding
Second Wind

Summon Dretch
Summon Magma Beast
Summon Iron Cohort

Summoning Tome
Last edited:

Grys, you and I were on one side of the camp. The rest was here and Muzdum run out to stop the monster. Now, except for that first attack, which we couldn't predict, everybody did as they were supposed to. Tell me, would anything really change if we were little more spread out?

There were mistakes, that big club guy, I should be the one to tackle those. kal'Tarron and you could aid, but I should be the one trading blows with it. Or Muzdum. But the camp is big and there was no way we could protect all sides of it without spreading.

Let the past be and learn from it.

Thank you for your help, lady."
Orsik finishes his speech with the nod toward Alexia and then shoulders first corpse and walks toward the edge of the camp and tosses it out. He repeats the process, checking for vital signs and if not found tossing the bodies onto heap.

"We should've captured one of the leaders. Now we need to backtrack them and stop them at the source. Peacefuly if possible. Maybe the camp is breaking some of natives rules or mores."

"Mythra, I wouldn't expect of you not to want vengeance upon those who hurt you. Wouldn't you like to find their leader and feed it to your pet?"


First Post
As the group is discussing, a familiar head pops out of the main tent, Derslin/Gellar looks out and blanches at the sights of battle not five feet from him.

"Ah, I trust...uh...that you've taken care of everything? You all look quite worse for wear, but they look like they caught the worst of it" he says, gesturing to the enemy corpses.


First Post
[sblock=Song of Rest]
Can we get bard song of rest please? :)

Oh yeah, I have that ability, don't I? +4 to surge values, folks. I'll actually only spend two surges then, and be at 50/53.[/sblock]

Apparently satisfied with the state of her gear, Alexia pulls out her lute and plays a requiem for those who fell defending the camp.

Voidrunner's Codex

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